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The ones I've been to have said they're either not set up for the coupons or the coupons just won't scan.

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I've wasted a few already trying. I hope they fix this very soon. Quote from vegas Did the barcode method work for any one else? I sometimes buy at Walgreens stores and the one time I tried this mobile coupon it didn't scan - I am wondering now if keying in the barcode is going to do the trick!

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Quote from ranibane Here in CT I've had no problem using the coupons. The stores that take em will have a sticker on the door from the marlboro rep that comes in weekly or monthly. When the rep comes he is supposed to set up the store online so it is visible on the app. All the stores I've been to around here know what to do, nobody tries scanning it, some places will jot down the coupon type and number while other places I've seen just put it thru the system manually and just check to make sure the coupon is for the right store and that the timer has started therefore meaning the coupon has gone through.

There is a online log of who went to the, when the coupon was used, the location etc. So the retailers really don't have much to worry about as long as they hit coupon on the register and make a note with barcode but it's not even necessary.

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I did have a problem going to a mobil to use the coupon since I had a gift card. The store was listed online as sullys mobil but placed in the wrong location. So when you get to the mobil, you can't use the coupon. Remember that big tobacco is very smart. With the crazy tax hikes and different prices all over the U. For example don't be surprised if you're in virginia and can't find a place that takes these coupons, but in a place like CT where a pack is 9.

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I buy packs a week and I use a mobile coupon each time That's why all these tax laws pass because they think it's making people quit. Ur damn right people are gonna quit but the majority are working class Americans who sweat everyday to put food on the table and the state is literally taking food off their table everyday.

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For whatever reason people smoke that doesn't mean they are inferior in anyway, that's what America wants u to believe. So smokers get dumped on and nobody gives a rats ass because oh these people are doing to themselves anyways haha what a joke. It's like u have to pay to be a smoker. Aside from cigarette costs we are rented our own body parts. Cigerette tax does help economy but why the fudge is it so much, it's all part of the system they know working class people smoke more so why do people who work and or have no money have to pay for our roads and bridges.

Smoking is bad for u Save money without coupons by quitting. Last edited by MNCouponer85 January 5, at Quote from MNCouponer Cashier scans cigarettes then bar code. Scan cigarettes then bar code again over n over. It works for however many packs you purchase.

A week later, coupon doesn't come up and says call for assistance on the mhq app. Wonder if I got too much discount and only suppose to use once?

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