If you want to get your weekly coupons, I suggest skipping the newspaper stands or stores and getting a paper delivered. I suggested this because coupon theft was on the rise. People steal coupons. During the extreme couponing hype — I was subjected to coupon theft quite often.
I would go to the newsstand to purchase a paper or two, only to find that the entire stack of papers were gone.. Go right to the source to insure that the money I spend to get inserts is sent right to me. That way, I no longer need to worry about people stealing coupons I need to help support my family. After awhile, the newspaper companies caught on to the theft in newsstands and stopped putting them in those boxes that you put your money in and made sure to sell them only in the grocery stores.
Getting your newspaper delivered is no longer a sure bet of getting inserts. Now those that stole from coupons and papers from the newsstands have stepped it up a bit and are going directly to the supplier.
Love your sunday flyers and circulars? Get them online from The Sacramento Bee newspaper and FREE SUNDAY COUPONS FOR SACRAMENTANS: The Sacramento Bee is offering to deliver the "Your Essential Shopper" Sunday inserts free to non-Bee.
Then there is a long list of people commenting and supporting the purchase of inserts. People are making coupon selling a business. Facebook recently closed a slew of private facebook groups do to coupon selling and purchasing. So, I ask you..
Those that are purchasing papers and trying to obtain coupon inserts the right way will eventually suffer. They will continue to steal and you will continue to buy.
Where the demand becomes so great that those who purchase the newspaper will get exactly what you they are paying for.. Nowadays, I still get a paper— it is a hit or miss when I do get inserts but I have stopped fighting it. I no longer ask for redelivery because it never comes.
Printable coupons. Cash back offers. I pretty much stopped couponing because of the people buying everything up the second the store opens, and a lot of the time I am missing inserts. At least I can donate the newspapers to the vets office they handle all the kitties for the cat rescue I volunteer for , so they go to a good cause.
So frustrating!
The agenda includes updates on regulations, the Bureau's efforts regarding the closure of Brightwood college, and an update on the Bureau's IT system. Prev Next Password strength: Each session averaged about people, with the largest gathering at people. We provide a promo code otherwise known as a discount code, coupon code, or savings code for most of the tickets on our ticket exchange. Enchambered Room Escape:
When shopping a few weeks back I ran into a fellow couponer and while looking at an item she offered a few coupons. Makes me sad that it is becoming more and more a negative thing to be a couponer….
If there are especially good weeks of coupons I need which rarely happens , I buy one or more extra papers at the store. Have you done that too, Josie??? How terrible. Have you ever called the newspaper delivery service like I suggested below? March 11th 2 p. EST Insanity on the High More Bumpfestivals.
Great event coming to Sac. One Day University. Read more about the profs.
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More Headlines. Matthew Ferguson Australia. Vikas Singh India. Tor Anders Voldsund Norway. Tom Ratkovich United States. Leo Prieto Chile. Massimo Barsotti Italy. Site by Drawbackwards. The Bee hosted these free sessions at its downtown headquarters, at churches, private and public schools, and event centers. The idea was to take the sessions deep into the community to reach as many people as possible.
The off-site facilities earned a commission for each order sold, so there was no up-front hard cost to utilise these locations.
The organisations used the events to bring the community to their sites and generate funds for their programmes.