Dear author deals

Just an outsider observing and thinking that absolutely none of you are safe from the online dramatics. Just make sure that none of you do anything questionable since the self right soap boxes are so handy nowadays. Everyone is entitled to their own thoughts, feelings and actions. It is a business. She makes money off the blog. So no there in no reason for her give her info. It is as shady as the author with low sells creating another name and not owing up to being lowsellsally. So you the reader get screwd. Not to mention the authors she spoke with on loops who never ever would have conversed, helped or been friends with Jane the blogger but embraced Jen thd newbie author.

The blog and person, who always said they were honest, called for transparency on her blog and endorsed the idea authors needed to understand readers had a right to their opinion. So very hypocritical and taints the rep of her blog. Not only that, but Jane makes a small referral fee from Amazon and Barnes and Noble when readers click through and buy books from her site. By listing her book on her site as a daily deal, she brought it to the attention of the readership of Dear Author, which numbers in the thousands. Plus it got her name and that of her writing partner into the hands eyes?

People love a good deal. Especially romance readers who are involved in the community and read a crapton of books. Trying a new author at a discounted price is always a bonus. We, as a community and readership, know we can go to DA for daily book deals with a personal note attached to help us decide if we want to spend our money on them discounted price tag or not. Is it the end of the world? Should she be tarred and feathered for it?

But she should be held accountable. You had an obligation to your readers as both a blogger and author to disclose your relationships. This is not an unreasonable expectation. I want to be give the choice to decide for myself whether I want to read the book, or buy the book, or talk about the book, based on all the facts. A lie by omission and all that. The fact is, readers, bloggers and authors feel betrayed by the lie Jane perpetuated. I think the average read: She and I, to use a specific example, have operated in the same circles for near on ten years. Jen and I are also friendly.

To find out that these two people are one and the same, after years of interacting separately, is disappointing. I feel, on a personal level, betrayed by my friend. Do I think she betrayed me on purpose? Hurt that my choices are to play out my awkward humiliation in public or to watch people brush this aside as if this issue was jealous haters mad over pennames. I think readers have the right to 1-star whatever they want and writers have the right not to engage with them. Which is where all of this breaks down. No matter what, I just keep coming back to that.

Having your author site linked to from a place that gets as many hits as DA helps your ranking in Google, too. I have no pony in this race, but I have followed The Passive Voice blog off and on for a few years. The only pro- TPV is is pro-author. But to know that she interacted with other authors without telling them who she was was a little icky.

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And now that Courtney Milan has exposed an even greater possible consequence, things are even worse than I thought. It just keeps getting deeper and deeper. Ugh, what a mess. If she wants to salvage anything I feel like she has to step away and earn back some trust. In hindsight, I am guilty of a knee jerk reaction too… in the opposite direction. After all of the debating over the last day or so about this on numerous blogs about the implications and ramifications, I do now see your and the others point.

Dear author, do you really have to pay for the - Claudius Therme

But… my choice of wording was a bit harsh and I brought that on myself. So I undermined my own point and I realize that now. I do apologize for not using more sensitive wording. Thanks for the very thoughtful responses. And I leave it to agree to disagree along with a forehead thunk by me for being as loud-mouth and socially awkward on the blogs as I am in real life: I thought I should make it clear, that that was not here.

I was projecting a lot of what I was reading on other blogs in my original comment here. Bonehead move on my part, I know. I think seeing things from more than one perspective is what allows us as a society, as individuals, etc to grow, learn and change or not, as the case may be. However, I do feel sorry for the people hurt in the fallout and their feelings being somewhat marginalized.

Her name is in the book credits for Undeclared. Let me be clear, I do not think there was a quid pro quo of any kind, but is there an appearance problem? She just had to mention that she was now writing romance and there may be some conflicts. So for transparency purposes it made sense to get someone else to do it. And the disclaimer on this interview and giveaway post: Though, for my part, as someone who has a massive fangirl crush on Meljean and has been friendly with her for years online, I doubt there was any quid pro quo either. And then, mentioning that she asked Brie to do the reviews as if an effort to remain ethical.

Brie, who beta-read the Jen Frederick books that Meljean designed covers for? I certainly feel like she hurt a lot of people in the romance community. I though I read somewhere that Jane is a lawyer. The only thing I can really say I believe is that no matter how much she says it, Jane will not be able to keep her writing career separate from her blog now that the secret is out.

Dear Author is on one side and Jen Fredrick is on the other side. The people that are furious and betrayed may never go back to DA. But there are people out there that are just hurt, but will never trust Jane again. That author who catfished a blogger comes to mind. Not that I think that was right or ethical, that was wrong as well, however, Jane did the exact same thing. She joined author spaces with authors she has been negative to, on Twitter and in her scathing reviews. Friends them as Jen Frederick and gets assistance and help for her own publishing venture?

Do her cohorts who helped her with this ruse not see how wrong this is? Not once in her posts have I seen an apology, or owning what she did. And that in itself is cause for concern.

No, she goes on her merry way and posts on her facebook page as Jen Frederick as if nothing happened. I also think she was forced to come out of the murky closet, and think that this never would have seen the light of day had her hand not been forced. The authors that partnered with her, and Sarah at SBTB who know about her secret identity are as unethical as Jane as they helped her keep this private.

The authors helping her out and knew, they also behaved badly.

Don’t Do This Ever: “Dear Ethics” edition

As for people upset over donating to the legal fund. However, I do think she should have been upfront about her author career at that time, and let people decide if they still wanted to support her legal fund. Put the books out there, let readers talk about them, spread them by word of mouth. Waiting for the next Twitter-Facebook drama. But I still would love someone from Dear Author to answer this.

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JaneBook Dealsdaily dealsNo Comments. Without You by Delaney Diamon $ From the Jacket Copy: When trust is broken, can it ever be repaired? At one . JaneBook Dealsdaily deals4 Comments . cover image Jacked Up by Samantha.

How would your blog respond to another author pulling this stunt? It was through an organization that was threatening Color of Change with the same sort of lawsuit DA is defending and I found the having it both ways nature grating. That disclosed, I think a large number of sorry-I-donated people are socks, given the obvious sock fingers all over this discussion. However, I can understand why people would sincerely feel differently about donating.

Discovering that person has not been as open as they pretended naturally leads to questioning if the lawsuit is as you initially interpreted it. Not my circus, but had I donated I might be among those questioning if it was the right call. Okay, I can see that angle. I dunno, it seems to me that this is kind of a complicated issue. Without knowing the actual facts of what happened here save for what you explained in the post, I still feel like there should be some kind of middle ground.

If the reason people are upset and the reason they feel like this was unethical was out of a concern of genre or publisher competition rendering an unfair review, then I feel like there are mitigating steps you can take. For instance, you could say, the writer of this blog has published fiction in the following genres and with the following publishers.

As for the review of her own fiction, well I agree she probably should not have put that up on her own blog even if by another reviewer. One of the things that drew me out of my lurker status was simply that over time, I trusted Jen; she was exactly what you saw on the tin.

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When I recently joined Twitter she was one of the first people I followed because of that trust. This is what squicks me out about this the most. One is that there are negative reviews, I might disagree with them, but they exist. And secondly, their policy of disclosure. But, at the heart of that is a reliance on disclosure. I can understand a wish to separate identities using a psuedonym, and I can even understand not wanting people to know what that pseudonym was, which is a distinct difference from academia. But a simple disclosure that she was in fact an author in the NA genre would have sufficed.

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Lindsay, I feel the same way. To me, writing books under one name and blogging under another name is just another way to do that. Any author who did review on her blog, she had a disclaimer at the top stating this. It feels a whole lot safer, honestly, and it especially did when I was 16 and first started my blog.

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I think seeing things from more than one perspective is what allows us as a society, as individuals, etc to grow, learn and change or not, as the case may be. I know many bloggers who are also writers aspiring and published. I do apologize for not using more sensitive wording. The blog and person, who always said they were honest, called for transparency on her blog and endorsed the idea authors needed to understand readers had a right to their opinion. Trout Nation content is always free, but you can help keep things going by making a small donation via Ko-fi! Amazon Rapids Fun stories for kids on the go.

I feel very conflicted about this whole thing, myself. At the time I donated to the DA vs.

But I a romance reader now resent being called a sock, or a sock-puppet or whatever other names are being associated with those upset that Jane Litte made the conscious, and conscience, decision to keep secret the fact that she was a published author, and yes, who had a movie deal in the works at the time the DA vs. EC came to light. But after all the DA vs. I followed multiple social media threads, and there were some strong implications out there that while Jane does indeed have a law degree, she is not a practising lawyer.

True or not, I no longer know what to believe. And yes, Jenny, knowing Jane Litte was JF and earning an income regardless of level of those earnings would have made a difference to my decision to contribute. Those are my feelings. I, too, am angry that I am expected to be uncritical, regardless that my reasons for being upset may not make sense to you or others. You may not agree with me, and that is fine. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. Unlike some, however, I am not calling others names or falsely accusing them, because opinions differ from mine.

I am not on GR reviewing books—never have been—and neither I have left a review on Amazon. Quite frankly, I take those reviews with a grain of salt. I am a reader who is angry that I am now expected to shut-up, lest I be called names and falsely accused of nefarious deeds by you, other bloggers and authors. I wrote what I think is a pretty even-handed post in comparison to some of the stuff out there. So my apologies for implying so in my original comment. At the time this kerfuffle broke, my honest response was: I felt cheated, manipulated.

Yeah, most certainly, and I do not deny it. But from now on I will be keeping mum on my thoughts on the moral integrity, or lack thereof, within Romanceland. It was the only part of my post that I was truly frustrated over, so I should have either worded it differently or left out. Either way, sorry my words had that effect on you. Because I knew some would feel the way Suzanne does. I donated to the EC vs DA fund myself. I hated what was happening to authors, editors, and cover artists.

I am a reader. I have a great deal of respect for what authors go through to write a book.


This is a reader blog by other readers and this company who is bigger than them are trying to shut them up using scare tactics. I have a problem with that. I still feel very strongly that EC needs to be taken to task, but the non disclosure about Janes role at Dear Author really pissed me off. Starting way back when Jane was into the New Adult thing and basically losing her shit over discussion about a book that people found issue with.

Dear Author has a huge readership, not everyone comments there but they are reading and hitting the buy buttons. Daily Deals, her book was on there. The author who did her covers had review after review because it was a serial and Jane telling everyone who was complaining about the money aspect of 8 parts to get over it.