Use deals in a sentence

Deal Sentence Examples

Sentences Mobile Sprewell was expected to sign the new deal as early as today. Barak and Arafat completed the new deal revising Wye last week. Kidd agreed to the new deal before training camp in August.

Deal in in a sentence

Meanwhile, defensemen Deron Quint and Jason Doig also signed new deals. They think Americans really want the New Deal to be dismantled.

Babacan did not give any details over the possible new deal. A few black producers have gotten new deals to develop pilots.

The new deal will begin next season and run through It later announced it had negotiated a new deal with CIBC. Blair declined to put a financial figure on the new deal. It's safer and more consistent.

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Here's a final pair of examples: Call Squiggly if you are going to arrive on Friday. Call Squiggly whether or not you are going to arrive on Friday. The first sentence is conditional. Call Squiggly if you are going to arrive on Friday means Aardvark only needs to call if he is coming. The second sentence is not conditional. Call Squiggly whether or not you are going to arrive on Friday means Aardvark needs to call either way.

Starting a Sentence With "Hopefully"

To sum up, use whether when you have two discrete choices or mean "regardless of whether," and use if for conditional sentences. Weather or Whether: What's the Difference?

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Jump to Navigation. By Mignon Fogarty, Grammar Girl.

Can You Start a Sentence with the Word "However"?

There's no reason to throw the baby out with the bath water. Fortunately, the chocolate was out of reach. All that fun can really build an appetite, so if you want to escape the regular burger or pizza joint, try some of the Indian restaurants Richmond has to offer. I didn't hire him and I have no idea what deal you are talking about. To deal in generalities, plants capture, on average, about 5 percent of the solar energy that falls on their leaves. For example, the Purdue Online Writing Lab says a comma is required after introductory prepositional phrases that are longer than four words. As famous for their salad dressing as their generous cuts of meat, they also offer mail order boxes of both through their website.

March 6, Episode Update Required To play the media you will need to either update your browser to a recent version or update your Flash plugin. If Versus Whether.

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Subjunctive Verbs.