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Does not get more free to play than that! Be on the look out for giveaway threads like this. For Magic Arena, they wanted to translate the complete experience of paper Magic on to the digital platform. They created an in-house team finally for it. This shows a degree of seriousness on their part. Wizards also have a track record of abandoning older Magic games in order to sell and cash out a newer version of the same game.

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The rules engine and logic are miles ahead of Hearthstone. Just the final tweaks to the economy and implementing the social features will really make this game take off. There are also examples of the developers listening to good feedback. This is a good sign. Since some of these events were basically paid with real money, Wizards were pretty quick on the reimbursements.

I got my 2, entry gems back in less than 24 hours after sending them a ticket about it. Magic the Gathering is an old, old game. It was released it , making it much older than some of those playing it! Here are some resources that are dedicated to Magic:.

I am slowly building up a collection of evergreen always relevant guides. So check them out!

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Options and new ways to play are always good. The awkward part is drafting with AI opponents. The AI drafting opponent at the start of beta was really terrible at valuing aggro cards. I faced a ton of Boros aggro decks just filled with mentors. I switched over myself and ran over a lot of opponents. Though I think Dimir is now undervalued by the AI just a tad.

I do not miss drafting with human opponents on Magic Online, MO. The event that is currently missing on the schedule is Competitive Sealed. Though I enjoy best of 1 quick sealed games, my preferred mode is still best of 3. Wizards was pretty smart with a limited number of active events with a rotation schedule.

This keeps the players engage and something to look forward to on a weekly basis. So there are events like Guild of Ravnica non-competitive draft, singleton and Dominaria draft on the way.

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Wizards said the friend list is one of the first items they are working on post open beta launch. There is also a memory leak performance issue that is especially a problem for streamers since they would have to restart their client every 2 or 3 hours. Enter your email address to subscribe to this site and receive notifications of new posts by email. Articles by Toilet Drake. Did you know they had a couple pauper events during closed beta already?

They were a ton of fun. Pauper standard deck power level reminds me of limited, but having consistency makes it very low stress.

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Thanks for the kind words. Yeah I heard about them but unfortunately did not play them. Arena is its own beast.

It is fun to play but I am concerned with several problems this system has so far. In the old days Magic was a social game where you gathered together and battled against friends. Arena has lost the aspect of battling your friends and earning bragging rights. Will we ever see a friends list and FvF on Arena… probably not cause it doesnt promote sales all to well. I myself have built grinding decks just to blast through the challenge and get the coin.

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This system gives a false sense of ranking and if your opponent doesnt know your just grinding they are mislead in thinking thier deck is competitive. The Mana draw and randomization is nothing…. I have recreated decks I built in Arena with paper Magic and they fail horribly because the draw is nowhere as forgiving as Arena, which tells me its rigged in a way to promote buying more packs. Agreed, friend list is sorely needed. I think it is because real life shuffling is not as random as digital shuffling, so the feeling between two is more obvious. But this is hard to prove without data.

I have to agree about the randomization of mana draw.

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I stopped playing because of it. Played Hearthstone for about 3 years first ccg game. Have always been intimidated by magic. I am really enjoying the Arena Beta. Its going to continue to take a long time for me to get the hang of it, but Im enjoying the process. I ran into your site by chance on my google home page.

I like how your site is simplistic in its design presentation. Anyway, thanks for the content. I just hate the economy though, having 2 currencies gold and crystals and the purchase amounts not being the same amounts as the prices of events or packages is very shady.

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I really love draft but the entry is coins and the grind feels so bad with these basic decks in the beginning. I really hope they are going to lower the prices a bit or highten the coin rewards. The economy is the only thing stopping me from playing this every day, and I noticed friends of mine just stay away because of this system.

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