Acacia mansion coupon

Airbnb host sues guests for 'using her house as set for a porn film'

It was all a dream

In , Meiners Oaks was a 1, acre working ranch. By there were only five families living here. Some California architects, however, included more Moorish features than others. The Ojai Arcade is a good example. You can see the Moorish influence, but the emphasis is more on the California Mission style. It should be noted that the Moorish influence on the Arcade was diminished when the two spires on top of the Arcade were removed in the s or 50s.

The Acacia Mansion on the other hand has much more of an exotic, Moorish look. It more closely resembles the buildings constructed at Krotona when it was located in Hollywood. More about that later. Madeline Baird, the original owner of the Acacia Mansion, spared no expense in creating this beautiful, eclectic work of architecture. Most of the materials and decor were imported from Europe.

This included terrazzo tiles, pink marble, mahogany doors, Italian lamps, etc. A particularly American feature, however, are the Ernest Batchelder tile fireplaces in the living room and master bedroom. Skilled craftsmen were also imported.. Some of the descendants of these workers still live in Meiners Oaks.

One of these craftsmen was Uno-Pal Kangas, a Finnish sculptor who created a reflecting pool and a fountain for the Mansion.

He lived and worked in M. The owners of the house were David and Madeline Baird, who immigrated here from Canada. They commissioned the house in ; Mr. Baird died before the home was completed two years later in The Bairds made their fortune in the fish industry in Nova Scotia. Besant came to Ojai in to meet with Krishnamurti and begin purchasing property for the new center.

John Roine and the Acacia Mansion

Krishnamurti began holding talks in the Oak Grove in Her plan was that she would head the educational center and Krishnamurti would head the spiritual center. Meiners Oaks was to be a community where Theosophists would live. Siete Robles was also developed as a housing tract for Theosophists. Ojai was advertised around the world for Theosophists to come and purchase lots. John Roine, the architect, advertised his services as architect and builder. The Bairds were among the first to respond.

John Roine was the architect of the Acacia Mansion. He, too, was a Theosophist.

He immigrated to California from Finland in at the age of It was nestled in Beachwood Canyon—under the Hollywood Sign. He most likely began working as a construction manager and builder at Krotona Hollywood. He also was also very active in Theosophical affairs, writing articles, speaking at conventions, and serving as a liaison with the Finnish Theosophical Lodge. As a builder at Krotona Hollywood, Roine worked under some of the most accomplished architects in Southern California. The Theosophists loved fine architecture, and they hired only the best, including. The buildings there were very exotic!

One of the more beautiful buildings was named Moorcrest.

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Narrow Your Options. See what travelers are saying:. Average 1. This large, two-story home has 10 rooms and is a wonderful blend of both formal and exotic architecture. Free shipping: I hope you found everything in order. Everyone had a really great time, and we are so glad to have chosen your beautiful mansion for our momentous event.

It was designed by Marie Russak Hotchener, a self-educated architect who was a former opera star. Roine also worked on the Pilgrimage Theater in Los Angeles. However, Knapic alleges that Lucas went on to film numerous gay porn scenes at the house during his five-day stay.


My response to the ridiculous homophobic lawsuit filed against my company can be found through the link below. The lawsuit, obtained by the website Smoking Gun , says: Such an image is not one plaintiff wants associated with her pristine home. Lucas, who denies all the allegations, told Mail Online: It is none of her business what i was doing in her house and I don't feel I had to tell her… She is targeting us because we are in porn.

A photo posted by Michael Lucas michaellucasnyc on Sep 8, at 3: The New York Daily News reports him as saying: In fact, we were told that the mansion was cleaner and in a better condition than it was before. Terms and Conditions.