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How to Get a Deal on a Halloween Costume

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Grandin Road has practically everything you need to customize the look of your home, but budgetary and space constraints mean you can't always just buy everything you want. They provide a number of ways to track and compare items that interest you. The registry system allows you to create a number of individualized gift registries and then send them to friends and family members.

The registry means your loved ones will always know what you want, and you'll be able to find the registries of your friends by simply searching their names on the registry page. The wish list feature allows you to keep track of items you want to keep an eye on. Multiple lists can be created and named to make sorting easier, and your wish lists can be displayed as traditional bulleted lists or as image-driven grids.

The Favorites feature is contained in a handy floating window that allows you to simply drag and drop items you like. This makes it easy to compare and contrast potential purchases without having to navigate to separate screens. Discover how to make the most of your guest bedroom's space with this video detailing Grandin Road's basic inflatable EZ bed.

Grandin Road on Facebook: Become a master of the domestic space with the help of Grandin Road. Grandin Road's Facebook page is a valuable resource for interior design. In addition to updates on their newest catalog additions you'll find a wealth of inspiration on how to decorate your home for the holidays. Grandin Road on Twitter: I got to wear it a second time before I donated it — bonus! Accordingly, the greatest portion of the budget is booze-related. She works very hard in her 60s with a toddler to open her Halloween stores from September to November 1st.

She has 7 of them going this year, and has employed dozens and dozens of otherwise out of work people. Have no fear you are not alone. When my children were younger I worked part time managing one of those halloween shops every year and then a Christmas a month later. Not everything they sell is junk, and I see no problem, even as a frugal gury, with buying halloween stuff if it makes ya happy and you can afford it. The smartest money ever spent. Me too. I always dress up the dog. I thought that line in the article was out of place, given that this site emphasizes personal choice while living within your budget.

Decorations are easy to save on: We mostly just have lights, plus jack-o-lanterns carved from pumpkins my dad grows.

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  • How to Get a Deal on a Halloween Costume.

But honestly, I buy pretty much whatever she wants, after checking around for the best deal I can find online or in shops. She decided to be a paint-by-numbers portrait, so that was just a sandwich-board costume made from 2 pieces of posterboard. Candy is our BIG expense. We give out full-size candy bars. I start hunting for deals in late July or August, and when I find a deal that gets them under about 40 cents a bar, I buy.

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A lot of houses by me Long Island NY do full-sized candy bars. Some parents in my neighborhood had a costume swap last year. We actually have lots of costumes in our home, but we do budget for the kids to buy new costumes if they want each year — about 30 bucks a kid. I have dark, shoulder length hair so no wig was necessary for Wayne. Then we just wore jeans and a flannel shirt Garth and a black tshirt Wayne.

Everyone loved it and knew exactly who we were! I found everything I needed on Amazon- they have a ton of cheap wigs! I feel ambivalent about Halloween. I live on the most popular street in my city for trick-or-treating. Parents who live in rural neighborhoods drive their children and their friends to my friendly, dense neighborhood to get their fill of candy. We usually buy enough candy for children before running out somewhere about 7: Some years I find myself resenting the minivans full of kids and we hide in the house with the lights out.

Other years I invite friends who also live in rural neighborhoods to contribute to the candy giveaway and make a potluck dinner.

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I lived in a rural neighborhood as a child. Only 4 houses were close enough to trick-or-treat. We had to be satisfied with what we had. We also get a lot of kids. LOL… I wonder how many people do the same thing.

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Maybe those Junior Mints have already been re-treated all over the neighborhood! Yes, our neighborhood is like that, too. I love seeing all the cutekids in costumes, and love watching them be delighted with the candy bars we give. But I hate i the vans full of kids from other neighborhoods; ii the adults who carry babies and claim the candy is for the infant; and iii the big teens that come by at 9PM, costumeless, with pillowcases to collect tribute in. We still give candy to everybody, though, so long as we have candy to give.

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Last year we had one ish woman who claimed to be trick-or-treating for her niece who was sick at home really?? Then we had a boy come up with 2 containers and tell us he was trick-or-treating for him and his brother. My rule is anyone with a costume can trick or treat at my house. I love the teens almost as much as the babies, but they have to have a costume.

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The quantity of items can be changed with the click of a button. Update newsletter preferences. When we were kids we used pillow cases. Enter your email address Continue Continue Please enter an email address Email address is invalid Fill out this field Email address is invalid Email already exists. I went to the party as a Cereal Killer. You can adjust this subtotal to account for shipping costs by entering your zip code into the applicable form. This dedicated fancy dress and decor store embraces all things scary.

You are right, Anne. And I love that we get crowds, I really do, because it makes our community feel festive and open. We give out full-size candy bars in part because I remember how thrilled I was by the house that gave those out in my childhood neighborhood. There was a house that gave out dollar bills; now THAT was seriously cool! I love the goodwill of Halloween, and for kids. But I hate the parts of the evening where I feel taken advantage of.

The good far outweighs the bad, though. I lived in a pretty bad neighborhood in Long Beach, Ca growing up. My mom always took us to the nice neighborhood to trick or treat. I get your point, I really do, about the kids coming in from outside the neighborhood for the candy. But maybe look at it from another perspective. One of my friends lives in a very nice neighborhood in Chicago that is actually quite close to a very bad part of the city.

Yes, but for different reasons.


Years ago, every house would be passing out candy to the hundreds of kids in our neighborhood, and the dozens who were brought in by vans. The neighborhood felt alive with goodwill, and we met lots of friendly people with cute kids. Most of the homes are dark. The feeling of community has diminished. I welcome the kids coming. I even enjoy the older teenagers. That is sad. Fun and Sad right here with you. While there are defintley ways to make the Christmas season less commercial since it is really about Christ instead of Santa there is really no way to decommercialize, or decandify halloween.

So I think this year I will make her costume, buy the candy and the whole works. It will be fun: I have this giant 10 foot stuffed snake I made out of old curtains from the thrift store and other scraps of fabric. Every time I want to use it I stuff it with newspaper and then I throw out the newspaper after to roll it up and store it. The snake has a deep gullet, I put the candy in there, and kids have to reach into its mouth to get the candy. Black paper cut outs like bats on the front door. Or you could find clip art and print it and cut that out, so your bats have detail.

Instead of candy, why not a homemade mini coloring book with Halloween pictures and a dollar box of crayons for each child? I usually dress as a witch. I have a lot of crazy socks and a witch hat. The rest is just wearing black. Easy peasy. If I lose more weight, I have an 18th century costume with panniers. My older brother has a large family, so getting costumes for all of them can get very expensive. The kids pick out their costumes, and if they change their mind on what they want to be, they can improvise with whatever they already have.

We used to go all out on our own costumes because we attend an annual costume party with prizes, etc. This year we are going to a live music event instead, so will just pay for the entrance fee and re-use an older costume we already have. No extra cost. We get between and kids trick or treating each year, so candy is a big expense, but I am trying to keep it down to about 15 cents per kid.

Our decroations are ones my daughter makes herself and tapes to our windows, a glowing skeleton I bought on clearance 5 years ago, and one pumkin, which we carve together as a family activity. I buy some decorations every year and at this time, have a great stash. While I used to make my kids costumes, the cost of sewing is no longer cheaper as a rule than buying, but it certainly gives you more options. While I would not advocate going into debt for halloween, spending on a good party or a killer costume are not taboo expenses in my opiniont.

That said, people who give raisins or non food instead of candy are grinches of the highest order-and I am a health nut. Ok, kidding aside, this is a great post. That one got a little cold, but was amusing. I may have bought or borrowed a plastic sword. I put them to use by wearing them with a black muscle shirt and black cargo pants. Most expensive costume. Going in bad drag. It was worth the shock value, but now I need to find another use for the wig. I live in a nice neighborhood that borders a very bad neighborhood.

I turned off the lights a little after 9 when the activity died down last year and I had a group of 3 or 4 kids bounding up my steps at 9: THAT bugged me. Costumes are no problem. We have a closet half dedicated to Halloween stuff. We add a bit to it every year, usually purchased on sale the year before. Candy is no problem.

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