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  6. Don't Get Your Oil Changed At Walmart – Consumerist.

The mechanic said that when the oil was changed, oil was spilled all over the engine compartment, after the tech at Wal-Mart realized their mistake they washed the compartment with water, allowing water to seep into the engine where the spark plugs are housed, thus causing the engine sputtering.

Damn you Wal-Mart!

Where to find Walmart oil change coupons?

Was it worth the savings? We say the best way to save money on an oil change is to learn to do it yourself.

Cars are fun! Find a qualified person and give them your business.

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Save 10 bucks on Cheerios or toothpaste, instead. My wife and I made our first mistake by going to our local Wal-Mart Kansas City, Missouri convieniently located among the sprawl near our apartment.

Walmart oil change price. How much?

Sheets, comforters, furniture, and more are all included. As for me, trust is the main options for choosing a permanent service company. Take advantage of this website and find out ways to cut your costs. Shop with Walmart and save on all things auto. This is not just about oil change standard procedure. Walmart oil change coupons include simultaneously affordable prices and cool quality. Just reveal your creative skills.

We needed to have the oil changed on our cars. So one fine Saturday afternoon a week or two ago we drove to the automotive side of the building, parked our cars, and went inside. Trying to save a little money, we went with the basic package.

Walmart Oil Change Coupons

I inquired about the wait time and was told about a half hour. While I was sitting in the waiting room I had a good view of the garage bay. The place was a dirty, messy, clusterfuck. She said that it sputtered while accelerating.

Walmart Lube,. Brave New FIlms. Want more consumer news?

Visit our parent organization, Consumer Reports , for the latest on scams, recalls, and other consumer issues. Part of. Hidden Costs. Walmart oil change coupons can help you reduce that cost. Never pay full price.

Walmart Oil Change for as low as $9.90 labor only or $19.99 labor and material

But to stay on the subject,t there are always service specials being advertised each week. Make sure you are looking around for the best service for your money. You can always find Walmat oil change specials right here. Check your warranty. The same service at Walmart will likely cost times less than your local dealer.

In all honesty it should be less expensive! The problem is most people see the price as relative to what they paid for their vehicle.