Coupon closet cvs

CVS Fires Two Employees Responsible For Calling Cops On Black Woman For Using Coupon

Trackbacks […] Thanks, My Litter […]. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Comment Name Email Website. Part comedian, part Dad, part athlete. He will boss around your children while they play ball. Just as angelic as she looks, this girl could easily raise a Village by herself, and all the children would grow up to be President. Self proclaimed, she would be a webkinz dog.

Because, "they're cute, and puppies are too.

CVS Deal: Huggies Diapers only $3.99 each After ECB (Starts 1/8)

And they're sweet and they always get along with other puppies. She isn't all bows and rainbows, she's got karate kid moves! Not "Pick-Me-Up" like caffeine, she wants you to pick her up! Anything that can be destroyed WILL be destroyed! Here in Canada, the only chain that offers a decent program is Shoppers Drug Mart. The basic points program is mediocre: I still do a little shopping in between if something unexpected comes up, but most of my purchases are timed to give me the most bang for my buck.

You use papertowels as an example. I very rarely use them. I keep a roll or two around that I did indeed buy for pennies at Walgreens when I bought it but I use cloth towels and such on a daily basis. Instead, I buy what I will always use shampoo, conditioner, toothbrushes, toilet paper, razors, soap, etc. I like how some of the readers have used variations on your theme to hit the big savings in almost no time.

Not sure why some would bother to explain how the system does not work for them or worse, is a gateway to an unhealthy lifestyle. Also, she has coupon trains and lists matched to the deals to take the work out of it. Many of us do this while watching TV or talking on the phone. But lots of people are saving tons of money doing this. As TJ said, morethancents. Everything that I buy I need and will continue to need and therefore, having a surplus is nice.

Ck it out, its easy to understand and shows you how to save your money. I have learned a lot from them. I do pick up some of the true free items and donate them to local charity. And Sam, Come on, people are so scared of signing up for a drug store card but think nothing of dropping their information into the lap of huge credit card companies.

I simply leave off the number on the street address. Even then, it is public information anyway. And who cares if someone wants a list of what kind of toothpaste or toilet paper I buy. Put down a slightly different address and pay with cash. I am frugal but if you clench your fist so tight all the time, you will never get ahead.

I paid 15 cents total on my last trip. Thank you for the great article! I love walking into my local CVS and walking out with stuff for pennies! I loved the article and I love the system. Those items have gone into our six month stash and then from there I shared them with family and our missionary closet at church. I think this investment of time is being a good steward with what God has given me.

I spend car trip time to cut coupons and organize my trips. In every situation, the price was always better in the end. Like others, I purchased what we needed and would use — things I purchased elsewhere before Nov Recently I sat down and added up my expenses and savings by shopping at CVS.

CVS makes the more expensive items affordable for those of us on limited incomes. When I know I can get it for free, why go somewhere else? Shopping at CVS allows us to have more money in our budget for other things like maybe an occasional meal out. More details about CVS are on my site. The comments remind me of two things. Well, not everyone can use the same information all the time. You take what you think might be useful and just leave the rest alone. Personally, it really appeals to my analytical mind! For the people who worry about buying paper towels when we could be using rags — we have a LOT of rags at our house, but sometime you just need paper towels to drain the bacon grease or fat from cooking ground meat.

Every penny I save helps my family to live an even better life. Thanks for the post! I started CVS-ing about a month ago, and I do as many here have stated — use lots of freebies, share with my family, donate extras. Every single situation is not the same for every single person. To some this seems like a small amount, to us it is doable because we have very no debt aside from our home and we live within our means. I also read certain blogs, like this one, that help us both to save our money and also spennd it wisely.

This system IS how I earn money for my family. They also carry hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, and many other environmentally-friendly cleaners.

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2 days ago Take a look at all of the CVS store coupons they are giving out this week. It always helps me to know what is coming at the Coupon Center. Coupon Closet Cvs, I am about to craft my own training pants/diapers for my LO Hoping I can not have to give Huggies too much money on Pullups! (which are.

I buy very few packaged foods, though do occasionally by granola bars for on-the-road snacks. They also sell things like raisins, nuts, cheese, flour, mineral water, etc. And when I can purchase razors, toothpaste, toothbrushes, etc. Two pre-teen boys and a hungry gymnast. We have never been so well stocked and eaten so healthy. Clearly, this is not for everyone. OMG…Good article and the comments are great! I might have been one of those skeptics a few months ago but after saving…earning??? To each there own.

I think is is funny my husband would not be caught dead using a coupon himself, but would not hesitate to give me a coupon and ask me to buy something for him with it…LOL. Worth it to me! The biodegrade nad You need to used detergents, electricty and water to clean your rags anyhow. I choose to use my time to save money on the things that we need rather than paying someone else to care for my children while I work to earn money to pay for these things out of pocket.

In fact, my children love helping with our shopping.

CVS: BOGO AS Seen On TV products - 2 x Wonder Hangers Max 10 pk $7.50 each shipped $14.99

We make it a family affair. Everyone enjoys saving money and seeing how far our money can go. I have been really impressed by some of the savings cited here. Point well taken re: Amy Dacyzcyn and the Tightwad Gazette. Whatever works for each of us, right?

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That is the beauty of this forum … so many different concepts and viewpoints to share. This is a choice not a requirement. I have not paid for toothpaste,toothbrushes, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, body wash or soap in over a year. I think that is a good way to save money and put food on my table. There are plenty of things available in both grocery stores and drugstores that are not unhealthy or bad for the environment or time consuming. But I also eat whole grain bread and broccoli and the like. I play the drugstore game regularly.

For the fun, the challenge, the savings. Does anyone need 10 tubes of toothpaste? Why not stock up when the price is free? I do a similar game with my groceries. With gas prices rising, the extra money for gas has to come from somewhere. And I show them what happens to that extra money savings, making up budget shortfalls for gas. Thanks for the great summary. I find it to be fun and thanks to Money Saving Mom not very time consuming. I was doing this game regularly for about six months and did see the benefits.

We were stocked to the brim on toothpaste and dish detergent as well as pain meds like Advil and Excedrin. But, it was very stressful for me.

The clipping coupons did take away from family time not to mention the actual shopping, which never went as smoothly as it should have. All in all, I realized that the money saved was actually not worth the sacrifice of time. I have realized that the coupons and sales revolve for mostly the same items … it was a great lesson in how far to push the coupons across the counter. First there are plenty of coupons out there for organic items and healthy items.

Just because I clip coupons does not mean I eat unhealthy. In fact the last time I was in CVS they sold baking soda which many people who are organic use to make their own cleaning products. As well they had a large variety of organic shampoos and soaps.

Second as far as time is concerned I work two jobs, go to school and have a family and still have time to clip a couple coupons and look at the ads for deals. Third you do not have run all over town to get a deal.

People who have Walgreens and CVS in their area pass by them at some point in week. So stopping on your way home would normally not be out of your way. If you plan ahead at the beginning of your week of what you need you can be in and out of CVS in about fifteen minutes. I am not sure why anyone would put a money saving idea down. If you think it will not work for you then that is fine but it does not mean you need to bash the advice. But I started to do both at CVS about four months ago. And I admit, it is fun. The items I stockpile are ones as a family we will use on a regular basis.

I look forward to saving money and using those savings to purchase other items that I WANT as opposed to need. So it all balances out for me. Once you get started with the process, it is almost addictive… Do those two words even go together?? This is pretty much the definition of the philosophy — little things make all the difference. There will be more sales!! Recently I have obtained a few CVS gift cards through transferring prescriptions, so even the tax is not coming out of my pocket. You cannot get things for cheaper than free. For my family, all of the money we save by shopping at CVS hundreds of dollars every month, people goes toward paying down our debt.

Eventually, it will go into savings and investments. I have been CVSing only since the end of March, and I have to say what a blessing it has been to our family of five. We are a one-income household, and things are tight. CVS and Walgreens shopping these past two months have provided not only the opportunity to save on essential items and some fun extras , but they have also helped me teach my children about the value of being frugal. Visit my blogspot for pictures and details of recent shopping trips. I have saved so much money by shopping this way that I have replaced my income I was previously making.

I love being able to share with friends and family when they need things. Negative comments on a helpful article like this are unnecessary. We also live in expensive New England. Some things ARE possible. They think it makes them look poor or downtrodden.

I think everyone has a right to have their own view. I am a SAHM of four children. The comment that I have is if you can sit for an hour or more watching non-educational tv shows, or the time that you are on the computer checking emails,blogs,etc. Same concept but were talking about food, and household items. Should we be paying retail for everything? I will also admit yes this is actually fun to do, and my children are learning how to do this as well and seeing what is worth the money and what is not.

There are many reasons for me doing this, not because I have nothing better to do. I have a life with my dh and four children, and have no debt but our home.


I am proud of where we are at. There is a reason why the debt ratio is down. What a helpful post — and I appreciate all the comments, both pro and con, because they help me reflect on whether to try this and they give me lots of ideas. I buy nearly everything on sale, and use coupons that apply to the things I normally buy, but my grocery bill is still too high. I love details and analytical thinking so this really appeals to me. Figuring out which scenarios will work for our family intrigues me. I like the comment from the person who said that if we all liked the same things, we would just be cookie cutters, not people.

In other words, to each her own! He is fascinated by the amount of money we save, and the stuff we get for free or just pennies. I am also very analytical and love to play the game. Sure — I could probably buy toiletries on sale at places like Big Lots and still save money.

That includes food, toiletries, and diapers. Basically, I consider this to be my job — stretching our budget and making every penny count. I take pride in it and work hard at it every month. To each his own. I would rather stay at home with my little ones on weekends instead of working extra hrs and enjoy time with them while at the same time clipping coupons and looking up deals. It does depend on your temperament though.

Read my blog if you are interested to see what I get for free nearly every week.

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Clearly, this is not for everyone. I think is is funny my husband would not be caught dead using a coupon himself, but would not hesitate to give me a coupon and ask me to buy something for him with it…LOL. Part of the game is hunting for items that you want or will use. At any rate the fact that most of you have been living off your over mortgaged refinance Mc Mansions for far too long will come down mighty hard and fast. We are a one-income household, and things are tight. Can someone please enlighten me? People who have Walgreens and CVS in their area pass by them at some point in week.

I can only hope that those who have such negative feeling towards this particular way of saving, never experience a sudden upset in their high income, healthy eating, green living little world. I enjoy shopping and as others have said this was a cheap fix for that bug!! Last week I sat down with the CVS flyer and did a little planning that first week was the toughest , and got some amazing bargains.

But this week…now that I am getting the hang of it…the deals are absolutely amazing!

For those that submitted negative comments, I wonder why you are reading GRS if you have no need for such information. I surmise that you have ample income, a large residence, multiple vehicles and possibly debt that you may be losing control over. As the cost of fuel and food rises, you are probably still living comfortably without making many changes to your financial lifestyle.

I have been playing the drugstore game for 8 years. I cannot recall the last time I paid for paper towels, toilet paper, tin foil, plastic wrap, shampoo, conditioner, razors, shaving cream, toothpaste, toothbrushes, nail files, nail polish, over the counter cold meds, bandaids, dental floss, soap, dish liquid, detergent, fabric softener, dryer sheets, air freshener, cat food, cat treats, cat litter, household cleaning products, gum, mints, vitamins, cereal, contact lens solution, and lots of makeup.

However, I may choose that route for the gas station they offer. But for those of us who have chosen this path, some of us enjoy this hobby as a necessity in the way that we can provide for our families and some of us for the enjoyment of getting something for nothing and donating to charity. After a while, it no longer feels like a hobby, but a way of life. There are expiration dates on toothpaste though! Getting rich slowly means changing your lifestyle. For those that enjoy that lifestyle, just reducing the habit from 4 — 5 purchases a week to making coffee at home or work could be quite a savings…again, another type of getting rich slowly.

I was unaware of the drugstore game, but I am aware of the gas station game! I shop Super America for everything for gas. I use the speedy rewards card, and earn points. In the past year, I have racked up over 45, points, and presently have over 21, of them. Two years ago, I worked at a different hotel, 3 doors down, and had a similar commute, and noticed that my gas costs increased with construction.

My gas costs are lower now, even at the higher gas price, because my new car is more efficent and because of this program! The flame posts sound more like sour grapes and smug superiority than constructive comments.