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MMS serves as a tool to kill pathogens and oxidize poisons in the body which allows the body to heal the body. We live in a toxic world and we are fortunate to have MMS, as well as various other important health tools, to combat the ill effects of poor foods, and chemicals that make us sick. Related Topics: Rain to linger in SoCal on Friday.

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Downplay the nonsense that is MMS. The bleaching effect was seen using MMS per directions. Follow the link to Emily Willingham also a Ph. Again… kids recovered …. NO injures detox, yes.. NO death…. No injuries. Because the person selling her services says so? You just accept what she says as she sells books and her time and her clinic?

I have higher standards of proof than you do. ClO2 can dissolve tissue. It can cause nausea. People saying that this substance magically attacks anything bad while having no affect on a person are lying. Consider that they are not, in fact, worms but are, in fact, tissues from the disabled children subjected to these chlorine dioxide enemas. If my kid is suspected of having a health problem, say parasites, I want the best care I can get.

I want people who have trained their lives to treat a given problem. When I see evidence that disabled children are being made to pass their own intestinal tissues, I will speak out. Claiming without evidence that this nonsense has recovered children, so I should buy her book and call her up and pay for a consultation—that is drama. To use this correctly is to never use it. Or to leave it to those bleaching fabric. So, yes, if used correctly it is harmless. Unfortunately, you and others are promoting the misuse of this chemical. Thank you for proving that you support child abuse. I do have an agenda, speaking out against abusive faux treatments used on autistics.

What term do you use for a chemical used to remove the color from fabric or paper? Because that what ClO2 is. Since you seem to know more about pharma shills than i do, perhaps you could tell me where I can get paid. If you had facts you would have to resort to lying about me. So, if being paid were really the trump card you think it is, think about that.

At the end of the day, logic, rational thinking and science shows that MMS is nothing more than child abuse, plain and simple. So you feel that ingesting poison is an effective method for killing parasites…. LOL — you test it, it will never be safe and completely diluted enough to be safe — and gets used way above the safe limits — wherever you go you will see it listed as either a toxin or poison not for ingestion, no matter how dilute; or feel free to look up lab tests reported!

Chlorine dioxide works! Hundreds are being healed of auto-immune disease including me! CD does not bleach or oxidize body tissue in the tiny doses given — and is positively charged, so it only eliminates negative pathogens. Ignorance is not bliss on this topic — and your misinformation may prevent many from the wonderful benefits of this healing gift!

It makes me angry that parents are forcing this stuff on their children. Pool water is typically 1 — 3 parts per million chlorine residual. US Army field water supplies range from 5 parts per million chlorine residual from post purified water supply to 10 parts per million under austere conditions, with 15 — 20 parts per million used for contaminated water supply.

I instituted control measures that only those appropriately trained and assigned by my battalion field sanitation team would measure, then treat the water and log it on the water vessel in chalk. Fortunately, I had discovered the issue incidental to filling my canteen to drink. As was said above in the article, the dose makes the poison and active chlorine compounds do act as a bleach.

We had four different bleaching compounds authorized for water treatment. This one is a bit too active to risk in military field conditions, save for nuclear, biological and chemical warfare. Yes and millions of years of genetic and neurological autism has diddly squat relevance to Wakefield Syndrome, or Mock autism. It simply is made up. Just look up of all the health shakes and tonics you could take — and give a better result, do not make such failing statistical effect. We have water purification systems to take out Chlorine and Fluoride which we react to;why would we further affect our immunity by giving what affects us more negatively?

So if you have a P. D why are you writing such a one sided report? I no longer have any cirrhosis of the liver after using it. Obviously not taking bleach prevents cirrhosis. Belief in something and stop drinking and eating better and balanced food has a better chance of helping then using what causes us serious reactions and severe immunological response. Last time I had a drip I vomited and pissed and crapped liquid all at the same time.

You think I would deliberately give a higher dose then in the drip? Two arguments you ignorant pundits always bring up are that it is actually bleach and that it induces vomitting and diahrrea. Does Chlorox do this??? Now… look at how many lawyer commercials you see on television for harmful medications that the CDC has passed as efficacious.

The side affects of their approved medications are 10 times more heinous than MMS. Diahrrea with MMS, unlike its pharmecutical counterparts, is actually a good thing as is your body getting rid of poisons. Before you blast this Panacea, please do your basic homework. Are you claiming that only Big Pharma can sell products that can be harmful with insufficient warnings?

Anything else? A good question is what this genius thinks what salt ClO2 breaks down into. Oxygen salt or Chlorine salts from dissolved tissue? Add to it that the oxygen molecules will depart the Chlorine atom, leaving free Chlorine and likely Oxygen radicals to interact with tissue. If it is so unsafe, why do they use it to decontaminate drinking water and to treat chickens after they are killed in the slaughterhouse BEFORE you eat them? Sorry but this product has been around forever — and in low concentrations makes contaminated drinking water safe.

So how is it THEN unsafe for human consumption? Sad that the MMS crowd feels free to use stigmatizing language in general, but especially that they feel free to use it here. How about all the discussions of autism and disability in this thread? And you still feel like the R-word is OK here? Ireland has regularly been criticized for excessive use, and thus is observing severe reactions; and has for years been the last to use what is proven so harmful. Not only that, but they are using this rectally as well — shooting bleach directly into the colon……how is this not child abuse?

There are thousands of families, all over the world, successfully using chlorine dioxide to recover children and adults from the symptoms known as autism. It is unfortunate that tiny self-interest groups such as this have taken to the internet to raise false alarm, concern and mistrust in the public about a simple chemical that is doing good for thousands in both industrial and personal use. Chlorine dioxide is not only promoted by government agencies for use in treating municipal drinking water, but also used as an ingredient in many patented products, such as eye drops, open wound treatment, mouthwash, toothpaste, nail fungus treatment, acne care, etc.

Chlorine dioxide has been mentioned on news reports for clearing anthrax from buildings after terrorist attacks, removing mould from buildings after Hurricane Katrina, killing bedbugs and is even helping in dealing with the current Ebola crisis, after its usefulness was established by the US Armed Forces.

There is even an issued US Patent from the year , describing the use of chlorite, by injection, to successfully treat human HIV patients. Is THIS abuse??? In the pulp and paper industry, the use of chlorine dioxide is promoted by government agencies in ECF Elemental Chlorine Free plants, which helps to minimize the environmental impact of this industry. Chlorine, on the other hand, produces carcinogenic byproducts when used to treat drinking water. This is why the use of chlorine dioxide is instead being promoted by governments for so many applications. Alternative approaches to healthcare will always draw scrutiny and criticism from government agencies or people such as yourself that have not yet tested the efficacy of such methods.

This simply means that the use is untested and therefore unapproved, but as any investigations will show, no harm is being done in the case of chlorine dioxide use. If you and these small self-interest groups would simply do more thorough research, they would soon discover that their concerns though understandable without having fully researched chlorine dioxide are unfounded. Much good can be done through the safe and appropriate use of this simple, useful chemical: Chlorine Dioxide.

Many thousands in every nation that is pursuing healthcare-related use for CD are having amazing success, even with recovering from autism symptoms. A whole new light is being shown as to the causes of such health issues, as a result. The successes by those pioneering such methods are mounting, are being documented and are verifiable.

The sheer volume of consistent success will soon be apparent the world over, despite having to be done in an environment where any alternative approach to healthcare is attacked and opposed….. I need evidence, not unfounded claims. I see pretty much the same arguments that have failed over and over in this discussion. It is unfortunate, and telling, that you start with an ad hominem attack on the parent of an autistic child, whose interest is in a better life for autistics.

And the data for this is where? MMS is not a miracle, a mineral nor a supplement, by the way. The evidence for these kids is a bunch of testimonials allegedly submitted to Kerri Rivera, whose business right now depends on people using MMS for autism. Book sales, talks, phone consultations. And, as we have seen, she does nothing to check the veracity of these testimonials. You and everyone else leave out an important point in that argument: Chlorine dioxide is a water additive used to control microbes and can be used to control tastes and odors.

It rapidly disappears from stored water. Emphasis added. One can use ClO2 to treat water, but by the time it gets to the tap it is no longer present. Some infants, young children, and fetuses of pregnant women who drink water containing chlorine dioxide in excess of the maximum residual disinfectant level could experience nervous system effects. Some people who drink water containingchlorine dioxide well in excess of the MRDL for many years may experience anemia. Chlorine dioxide for water treatment is a very different animal than producing chlorine dioxide for immediate consumption.

What patent are you referring to? Is this the same WF10 patent that has been discussed above repeatedly? That would be the one where injections of a stabilized chlorite solution which is not MMS at all is used not more than once every six months. How does that compare to constant exposure to chlorine dioxide? By the way—does the patented treatment work?

Can you answer that without looking things up? Not compared to common bleach. It is just noted that it is a bleach. It is a different chemical but is in the same class: Actually all approaches to healthcare draw scrutiny. Actual medicine, though, has to prove safety and efficacy. MMS has skipped both of those hurdles and gone straight to marketing. No, untested and unproved. Not demonstrated safe or effective. No where can one look at data on adverse reactions or efficacy. Just internet testimonials by people such as yourself.

Funny how people such as yourself always attack others as having not done the research. If we would just do the research, we would agree with you. Even though the discussion here shows that I have done the research. I understand this better than the proponents, who continually make the same false claims. Argument by popularity. They all failed. But all had staunch proponents who claimed that it was curing autistics. Then why are people not doing the verification?

I have a very strong interest in making the life better for my kid. I have the background to properly evaluate the science. And the claims make no sense. Perhaps you have more backbone than most. We will have to wait and see. The evidence would be if it was correctly documented and compared to a control group. And therein lies your problem. That claim is empty. Again, no one needs to prove anything to you.. Kids are effectively getting better.

Ask the mothers. They are the ones there every step of the way. Ask the parents. Your Sole purpose of this site is to Downplay alternative healing methods. Did you read that comment by Sullivan? I have been told to chelate my mid for two years and it will be a cure. I have been told that secretin will cure my kid. You are just the latest. You are touting nonsense. And it is being used in an abusive manner on disabled kids in my community. If you really want this therapy to be more widely used, just do the damn clinical trials already.

With all the past disappointments, people are bound to be exasperated by claims based on simple testimonies. You can make huge claims. For example: I take it, then, that you are not interested in an actual discussion? Particularly to a child who may have no clue what you are doing to them and why. All of you being so mean, as people have children with autisim, all I know, if my child was sick, i would try anything and more and more are doing the same, because medicine has failed to healed one person, not even the comon cold, they will never heal anything, is not on there interest, talk abput child , adult abuse!!!

Happy Thanksgiving. If someone tells you that your child is possessed by demons and you need to purge said child with fire, would you do that? I can sleep with myself just fine. I have not made my child into a guinea pig for the profit of charlatans like those selling MMS. So, Monica, medicine has healed nobody of nothing is what you are saying? So, I still have a gallbladder full of stones, despite medicine and surgery removing the obstructed gallbladder, right?

I still have an inguinal hernia, despite surgery? I died from polio as well? Very interesting. Is it any study of Chlorine dioxide dissolving living healthy tissue? The main thing with Chlorine dioxide if I got it right is polarity. It attacks and dissolves neutral or positively charged tissue. This could be one of the reasons, if this is true, why it effectively cures tancer. Do you have any evidence for that? If science ever wants to catch up, they will. Good luck getting funding for it though… it would be suicide for any researcher, unfortunately.

There is evidence, and there is science. Science is the application of the scientific method to experimental points experimental points are facts, like this one: The scientific method postulates a theory why that fact happens, and tries to explain it. Under no circumstance it works backwards.

That is: I know it is hard to grasp for many, because science has been taken over by politics and it is in practical terms the new inquisition. Let me try to put it simple: No amount of claiming the Earth was flat made it flat. Likewise, nothing you say will make MMS anything more than a bleaching agent. Without evidence, there is no science. I think the main point here is that you think that all the people who drunk it and received benefits are lairs.

And as such you will negate their experiences as facts. And with no facts there is no way around this conversation. I tried mms three years ago. It cut short a cold I had, from 7 days to 3. I think it is a good result. Not really. Do you know why we have double-blind clinical trials? Conditions can improve on their own, and they, in error, attribute their improvements to the medicine they take. And what if they are mistaken?

What is the main goal? Anything and everything is a treatment. Thousands of kids. Tens of thousands. Read the testimonials! It was a scam. Most of the doctors pushing it have moved on. Parents have abandoned it. Hell, some of the methods have been shown to not even deliver the chelation drug to the patient think trans-dermal chelators. But they had so many testimonials. Sure, MMS cured your cold. And cures cancer. And autism. And malaria. And everything else. And no one has the time to actually show it works. Just testimonial after testimonial and fake science that can convince enough customers to keep them coming.

Those are good. They show you are getting the toxins out, right? Thanks for your opinion. It says it all about you, and nothing about me.

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So a conversation is spam? Define spam in your words, please? You are repeating the pseudoscience that Humble and Rivera use to sell this scam. I have a table in my files prepared by the Autism Research Institute a project begun before the late Bernard Rimland completely lost the plot of dozens of different interventions — from various vitamins to whathaveyou — with surveys of respondent experiences.

Essentially, what it showed was that for pretty much any intervention at all with autistic kids, about a third of parents will say their child improved. I work for the Department of Family Services. I know better than to assume mothers always know best. Scientists knew the Earth was round years before Magellan set sail. Your knowledge of history builds real confidence in your knowledge of anything else.

When did I contact you and told you to do anything? Do you have an autistic child? Here you go: They are desperate and people are making money off of it. Are you related to the writer of the blog? I never edited anything. Yeah, you are right. It was someone else. There are people who thrive in violence and people who thrive in harmony. If I stay I will go on making mistakes, because it is just not in my nature to fight and this is getting too aggressive.

So, I think it is time for me to leave. About you believing me… I would never dare. Follow your gut, wherever it takes you. Those of us here are people who thrive on a lack of violence. No one can edit comments here except me. Testimonials are what these hucksters thrive on but as has been demonstrated and linked on this blog, https: Yes, these people have to understand the necessity to rigorously check testimonies and to complete them with clinical trials.

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As surprising as it is, you can be intelligent, honest, motivated to help your child… and still be in error when evaluating the efficacy of a treatment. The example of bloodletting is pretty illustrative: My job makes me a mandated reporter. How can people be so stupid? Hola macaddict08 — Just so you know, We know who you are. Just working our way through the important bleachers first.

Oh I almost forgot. The doctor impersonators. Impersonating a doctor is a prosecutable offence? For those who want to know how ClO2 really works here is a link http: Uh, what I see here is: This is this reference: Environ Health Perspect The effective contact time is much shorter using a ClO2 solution than with less or non-volatile disinfectants.

However, my point above is, I think, the most important ingestion vs spraying, concentrations studied. Not to mention the effectiveness on all the disease this product is claimed to heal.

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In case I missed your point or an important part, what did you think was important in this study? I meant: The important part in this study is that pathogens are more vulnerable to ClO2 than mammal cells. First, you misunderstood the point. The fact is that cells, be they mammalian, bacterial or virus particles, are all vulnerable to ClO2.

We just have a lot of cells so we can sacrifice some. A bacterium can not. The important part is that people selling this stuff claim that there is no interaction with cells or other components of your body. The throw up a lot of nonsense about oxidation potentials but basically they are lying. I posted a link about size selectivity of ClO2. In short, mammal cells are usually much larger than pathogens. They need more ClO2 to die. If the supply of ClO2 is exhausted they survive.

Chemotherapy is based on a similar not identical principle. MMS sponsors do not know how ClO2 works. They are probably not lying, just ignorant. This will negatively affect treatment. Relevant xkcd cartoon: To cure some serious do-do, like radiation poison for those after chemo and other dangerous yet legal treatments.

FDA approved in US? Yet it was approved abroad after having proven to be effective. FDA does not want it here because Big Pharma does not want it here. I take it you did not study chemistry. Sodium chlorite is not chlorine dioxide and neither is Tetrachlorodecaoxide. A method of reducing, inhibiting or treating allergy-like symptoms in a subject suffering from or at risk of developing at least one of allergic asthma, allergic rhinitis and atopic dermatitis, the method comprising administering to the subject a therapeutically effective amount of a pharmaceutical composition comprising chlorite ions wherein the allergy-like symptoms comprise conjunctivitis, and wherein the administering is effected not more than once every six months, once every year, or once every two years.

Tell me how that applies to one using MMS frequently each day, including multiple enemas, for autism. In the eyes use of CD: Treatment of HIV: CD for use in foods: To dismiss all the results people are experiencing as quackery really erks me. Disabled kids are being abused by this junk.

I bet your friends call you thew wall. Perhaps if you were open to reason they would find a new name for you. The evidence is against you. What you will do is find that one or two persons that might appear negatively affected and make a poster child out of it. Yeah, my being erked is not important. What is important is that people have access to cures that are helping without having people with agendas trying to eliminate our choices in favor of Government dictating how we deal with our health. I have this friend who lives in S. Chronic coughing every single day for years and years.

When I lived there I remember what a mess he was. He actually did what was suggested and I ended up getting a few emails over a period of a few months on how fantastic the advice was, how he is no longer chronic, etc. Just really great news! Now you can say whatever you like, that I am making this up and so are all those other people you read and see on vids saying they have benefited.

I know and he knows what the truth is. It is ridiculed. It is violently opposed. It is accepted as being self-evident. Sorry, but you have no evidence. You have claims. Modern medicine is working hard on understanding the biology of and treatments for autism. To the tune of many millions of dollars a year. You do point out a valid point. Where there is a vacuum, charlatans will fill the space. Wow, you back up your testimonials with a testimonial of how your testimonials are effective.

Good for you. Schopenhauer would likely find your arguments as vacuous as others do. Pointing out that your logic is flawed is not ridicule. So, get back to me when you reach stage 1. Save your breath … Sullivan is a PAID Pharma troll, this is a job for him… to put down alternative ways of getting healthy. To date…. But, to Sullivan …. My family, however, remains unafraid. Perhaps due to the fact that I do not inflict bleach enemas upon them. And your proof for kids being recovered from autism is? Oh, yeah, the unsubstantiated claim of someone who sells MMS.

Read my comments, I have an autistic child. I have to. I know it is not easy. My child is not Autistic but is ADD. Another form do neurological damage. You have zero idea what you are talking about. I understand it better than you do. I do cover my options. If you had a convincing argument about the science behind this idea, or safety or efficacy data. But you have none of these. So, yet another internet testimonial. I get it, you believe. You believe. Got it. This sort of passive aggressive attack is very common in the discussion of alt-med.

MMS clearly falls into the discard pile. But you are going beyond that. You are aggressively going after attacking an alternative treatment that you DO NOT have complete facts on. As far as MMS or its derivatives, if there are enough people that are coming forth saying it has helped them, who are you to attack them as quacks? Otherwise, it should be clear to everyone that you have an agenda and it looks like you might actually be a shill for Big Pharma or one of their ilks.

Are you? Then move on. Nice how you did that. See what you did? You shifted the discussion. I have investigated it. People used to say that purging by fire would cure people. Have you tried that? If not, do you feel that you could comment on whether it is a good idea? You clearly miss the whole point of the discussion. Tell me when in this discussion you started making it about my decision? I do not know if it works. Then logic suggests that, if it is as harmful as you and others of your elk claim it is, where are all the deaths?

Considering it is an isolated case, could it not be the sickness itself that killed her? Seems more probable, since we are NOT getting reports all over of others dying. Years later they are still doing it! It just amazes me how some are quick to judge that which they know nothing about, to the detriment of those who could possibly benefit from it. Do I believe it to be a cure of these things?

I do not know. I was never really sick enough to try it for that purpose. There were thousands of testimonials to the salutary effects of thorium and radium water, people drank them for years before succumbing to cancer. I guess we made a mistake in banning those drinks, at least under your standard, where elk herds make erroneous findings based upon evidence based science or something. MMS is a potent oxidizer, one might as well drink rocket fuel and proclaim it healthy as that radium water was claimed.

So, I try this on my kid. My kid reacts badly and is injured. How much do you agree to pay my family? You are a believer, someone raising the noise level so that more people will be suckered into this nonsense. You are promoting what amounts to the abuse of disabled children. You come here, a disability focused website, to create doubt so that more people will get pulled into this scam.

Very much classic behavior for your community. You lack the backbone to be honest. How did you get informed? How do you address the fact that the AustismOne folks have helped nearly autistic children? How do you address that no child has been harmed, cured or otherwise? Again, I have no clue of its effectiveness. And I do not have an autistic child. However, I would not be quick to condemn what many are claiming effective.

Why not fly down there and talk face to face? Why not actually meet those children who were autistic and claimed healed? Even if you make the whole thing up. Would you risk the health of yourself or your disabled child with evidence like that? If so, you are a fool. Key word—claiming. They are making extravagant claims. It is on them to provide proof. All they do is provide claims. Frankly, these groups deserve a LOT more than criticism. Who pays out for adverse reactions to MMS? Who even keeps track?

Last thing—you bring up AutismOne. AutOne is held in Chicago. Things got active around here. I am not saying people who they say they or their child felt better with MMS are liars or stupid. However, let me repeat what I wrote earlier: Clinical trials are usually funded by those entities looking to profit. There is no profit to be made from curing Autism or anything else with something you cannot patient. There is profit to be made by keeping cheap cures off the market, and keeping folks and kids sick indefinitely. Yes millions are poured into organizations claiming to be looking for solutions to Autism and Cancer.

The largest cancer institutes raked in millions and millions annually and employ thousands. After decades of existence, you are still left with the same 3 terrible choices: What would happen if a cure were to become easily and cheaply available? Thousands lose their job, and these institutions lose billions in assets.

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You think they are going to let that happen? And a survival rate that has improved dramatically and can be quantified. We can guess. At worse it is causing harm. A never ending stream of customers. This article may explain how MMS prevents cancer: Since cancer has serious outcomes and the war against cancer has been effectively lost any possible cure should be investigated. Article http: Unfortunately antibiotics can cause cancer too.

Oh, and to clarify, I do not and have never used illicit drugs, and I strongly discourage anyone else from doing so. So, in place of medical journals we should take our advice from http: NIH is supposed to be reliable. There are exactly 5 hits on Google. One a newspaper from and a few others that are related to Dr. What exactly was I supposed to find out? Or did you just expect me to not check? This is not correct. There is not a lot of profit in cheap cures. People are finding they can cure using high doses of Vita-C, baking soda, and other easily obtained items.

The Money does not follow these things. They do not support these things. They will not fund studies for these things. You cannot patent these things. Sodium bicarbonate is an extremely well studied and understood substance, you call it baking soda. Ah, the miracle vitamin C, a chemical championed to cure everything and even improve the weather or something.

One key study spoke volumes about its phenomenal ability to prevent colds, a study retracted by the author when flaws were found littered all over the study methodology, but when the study was repeated with the flaws addressed, no benefit was found. Vitamin C is well enough understood for a century that lime supplements were brought onto British sailing vessels, resulting in the term Limey used for British sailors.

So what if it kills someone with cancer in 20 years or so, it cured everything, even the weather. Do you know what other forms of medicine were strongly supported by personal testimonials? Bloodletting was being promoted and performed by the allopathic doctors and opposed by those practicing natural alternative today medicine. The bloodletting analogy is apt. They are the forefathers of both Doctors and charlatans. The AMA doctors evolved. The charlatans, such as those pushing MMS, did not.

Simple as that. To be more specific, bloodletting was based on the concept of the balance of humors, a concept that has as much to do with modern medicine as the concept of the Greek elements earth, fire, wind, and water has to do with modern chemistry. The true forerunners of modern medicine were those who bothered to check to see if what they were doing was working, rather than just arrogantly assume that they were right. Yes, they tried it and watched to see what would happen.

If it worked, wonderful. If not, oops. They are trying it in different ways, making changes along the way, and gathering data on the responses of users. Nobody is dying and many are getting well. There are many reports of users who were told they had only months to live telling their stories years later! When I buy something from Amazon. Obviously I want to know if people like me liked the product and to get a feel for whether it would be what I want. Peer review is, IMHO, one of the best ways to gauge whether something works or not.

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Save your breath … Sullivan is a PAID Pharma troll, this is a job for him… to put down alternative ways of getting healthy. My child is not Autistic but is ADD. It is my mission to bring this knowledge of health recovery to mankind. Like I said, Save your Breath Rix!! I generally avoid pointing out a specific web site.

Where can I get the statistics on adverse reactions to this substance? If I am to make an informed decision, I need that information. But no one collects it, do they? No one publishes it, do they? What part should I be looking at, specifically. And yes, there have been thousands of studies on its safety. Look at 6. What should I be looking for, specifically? They come to a large number of conclusions there.

Which one are you referring to? This is in response to your request for studies on ClO2. I assume you just want to know if such studies have been done. The link, one out of ,, confirms that this is indeed the case. The actual content is probably less important than the fact that this topic has been studied in detail. Which of those safety studies apply directly to the human ingestion of this in the form as sold as MMS? Here is human clinical safety study: They are based on emotion, not research.

It may interest you that NaClO2 which is the precursor to ClO2 was used since world war one as a medicine for gangrene. It is less efficient and more poisonous that ClO2 but it must have had some effect. Where does that study show the safety of enemas using mms? Since that is a big piece of how mms is used, seems necessary. Again, since that is how it is used in practice, that is the necessary study. I am strongly opposed to enemas. If somebody comes in my vicinity with the paraphernalia and an evil glim in his eyes I will defend myself vigorously.

Inflicting this on defenseless children amounts to child abuse. I have no experience with overdosing myself. I suspect the human body would react reflexively and expel any suspicious substance. Let me not go into detail. An overdose is far from a lethal dose. A lethal dose of ClO2 is at least 20 times the lethal dose of paracetamol by weight. A big risk factor is that a person who experiences an overdose will not be able to continue treatment because of mental aversion. Medicine that builds up in the body, medicine that has a sedative effect, medicine that is injected, medicine that works slowly.

It is not unreasonable to expect discomfort when a substance is used that reacts strongly against pathogens. The same thing happens naturally in the human body and this causes many disease symptoms. Personal experience, first hand and second hand. Not taken orally but it would permeate the skin through wounds. Not sure of the status now. It seems several clinical trials have been submitted to the FDA. It will be difficult to block as several countries have already approved it or are in the process.

It would be interesting to read your opinion on this. The gangrene argument is not relevant at best. WF10 has already been discussed at length on this site, probably this discussion. The patent is also for use only rarely—every 6 months or so. Chemically it is a different compound.