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You maybe mock the leftists for rioting. They maybe stupid in a lot of case but the reality is so much complicated, but the real point is what would you have do if Clinton was elected?

50 thoughts on “#Metalgate: Metal-Archives Exiles Trump Voters”

Why waiting elections, why complaining about democraty but being a slave of it? If their is no peace, the war cannot last long because, you got to have a peaceful background to raise infant, crop the field, build shack, or house, weapons for war.

Random Metal Archives Band: Blast Agony

With no food or with no children, how can you make a war that last long. Go to Syria, there is war here. Is it really good like you say? You want stability. So long about warlike spirit. The real war or djihad is spiritual first and it comes from within. When a noble have contempt for the one who are weaker in anyways, he cease to be a noble man. Than again, who are really noble anyways?

We are just human, too human. God forbid that! A man what ever that mean fundamentally as you say most have a thick hide. Try to prove me wrong on that. As for this topic, well, the cracks in the veneer are evident. If you try to ban an idea, you give credence to it. All these 15 year olds on M-A are just going to see: Then they go down the rabbithole and the conditioning starts to break.

SJWs learned nothing from their predecessors, the Christian soccermoms. Pushy cultural puritans get resisted and trampled by the next generation.

This person is unworthy to bear the name of the goddess Morrigan. She banned users that happened to be Trump supporters BUT they were probably banned for distributing lies e. While one may be tolerated for the sake of art, the other may be unacceptable — e. Would you leave then? A site devoted to metal, with bands that have ultraviolent and satanic lyrics, bans some guy because he voted for Trump. Fucking laughable. Will never visit again. Morrigan is a raving nutcase. I blame Canada. Interesting that you should say that discogs is stealing web traffic to metal archives, due to metal archives becoming a sterile sjw metal haven, because discogs is notorious for filtering what may or may not be sold on their website based on racial and political views.

I eat my words… Xenophobic Ejaculation has finally been banned from sale on discogs, save for a select few releases, two of which the only copies for sale are test presses going for 1, USD from some Chinese seller… But they did go some time completely uncensored on discogs. The main problem here is that she banned users for having non PC opinions and for showing support for Trump and even called them alt right douches. How the fuck are you going to be into metal, a genre with lyrical subjects such as death, war, destruction, Satan, nihilism, hatred, etc, and be politically correct worrying if some transgender crybaby is offended.

Makes as much sense as being a Christian fundamentalist and being into metal. How can you be into a musical genre where the majority of the bands have lyrical concepts surrounding horror, death, nihilism, destruction, Satan and misanthropy and be an over sensitive sjw crybaby. This is assuming they like actual good metal, but then again those types are prone to liking some pseudo metal bands as well.

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It does seem like common sense, but it would be nice to prove it with evidence. These topics are uncommon in popular music but they are common elsewhere, namely in movies and in books, too: When looking at the MentalDucks mud fresco, another theory suggests itself: These people are evidently unwilling to take anything seriously except their groups-against-groups powerplaying. Ultra-condensed version: Typical movie: Fuck shit! Fuckfuck kill!

Crash bang boom! Kill some more! Like all other people enjoying movies. Plenty of people listen to the great metal bands for the sonic experience only, or whatever other reason, without being fully appreciative of the values that may go into it.

War and Hate keeps the man alive, fuck these crybabies,wimps,pussies,globalists. They should be nowhere neir the Metal scene. November 15, at 5: ANUSaanite says: November 15, at 6: Daniel Maarat says: November 15, at November 16, at 6: Billy Foss says: November 16, at Svmmoned says: Turd Burglar says: November 16, at 2: November 17, at 3: DonaldtheImpaler says: Rainer Weikusat says: November 16, at 3: November 16, at 5: The production is surprisingly clean, there is a slight reverb effect to it that gives it an old school kind of vibe.

The best songs on the album for me would be Anguish, for it's insane catchiness, Pissed, with it's badass metal-as-fuck riffs, and Pillcrusher, because whenever they play it at shows, the crowd goes insane! You know that loud guy at the front of every show, screaming obsceneties with middle fingers and horns in the air, banging his head so hard he's in danger of throwing out his back, getting weird looks from a few uncool people but not giving a fuck?

That is me at DreaD concerts. So you want to write your own review for Metal Archives, eh? Well, there are a few steps you need to take in order to do so. Deciding on a good title should be the priority here, but there are a few key factors. For instance, if you're reviewing an American Black metal band, you must never be positive. A title like "fuq u!!! Here's a good example:. Since you have displayed the wit of a 13 year old boy , you are now ready to write your review!

To open, make sure you tell some boring, droning story about how you got this album don't be honest though, or else all of them would start with "I pirated this" , or the secondary option, make a long-winded rant about how x band's new album was nowhere near as good as their last. Anything that you don't like or that is simply a little more mainstream must be labelled "mallcore". No exceptions. An hero and claim that Dead was a visionary. Liek Jesus. Another popular way that albums on metal archives are rated is by the metal archives rating system, which is a meticulous system that looks at each album objectively in order to give each album the most fair and accurate score.

It also determines just how "tr00" or "kvlt" a band really is. Here's how it works:. After all, like all professional music critics should act, we've got to be completely fair and unbiased in our reviews, right? Next, certain traits will be noted, and a certain amount of points will be deducted or added for certain particular traits.

As you can see, the metal archives rating system is a meticulous, elaborate, and completely objective rating system that was carefully and painstakingly designed by our most knowledgeable of critics and musical experts in order to give each album the most accurate and unbiased rating, because here at metal-archives we believe in quality music and quality reviews. Two for One! Trolling on a Nigger-hating band's page. Visit the Music Portal for complete coverage. Visit the Sites Portal for complete coverage. Jump to: This article isn't lulz just yet, but its coverage can spark a lollercoaster.

You can help by reverting people who delete shit, and vandalizing their user pages. See this article on Google? Want to add something? Join us! This article needs a serious clean up Somebody should do something about it. Also note how it's the same few users over and over again. S border called St Stephen, New Brunswick. A town of country music, drunken hillbillies, and weekly High School and Middle School drug busts. In this town, almost no Metal bands exist, which is why seeing this band at a benefit concert in grade 7 affected me so greatly.

I decided that being a Metal musician, successful or not, was all I wanted to do in life. Sick Fuck. This article is a stub. You can help by expanding it. Retrieved from " https: Personal tools Not logged in Talk Contributions Log in. I have never met so many people that enjoyed the scent of their own genitalia. All right, it's not technically sophisticated and most of the keyboard playing sounds as if it's being done with just two fingers plus a lot of tape looping but in its own way, Burzum's "Filosofem" album is an advance in music composition for mids black metal: The pivotal track of "Filosofem" in my view and the one referred to just now is the fifth track "Rundgang um die Transzendentale Saule der Singularitat" which is played entirely on synth and initially comes across as a too-long maddeningly repetitive piece with no apparent development, climax or resolution.

#Metalgate: Metal-Archives Exiles Trump Voters

However, if you listen to it a number of times, the track does change quite a bit in some of its details and the plaintive melody, repeated over and over with clear pure tones, has a trance-inducing effect. You can float away in a serene peace the music can seem a bit New Age-y for some people or you can be awestruck by the level of bleakness, emptiness and nihilism revealed.

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This is most definitely a track you cannot feel indifferent towards! I see these tracks as representing two sides of the same thing, possibly ascent and descent respectively or vice versa, and when all three tracks so far mentioned are considered in their proper order on the album, I would say a ritual involving a life-changing transformation is implied here.

Incidentally "Gebrechlichkeit" can mean "decrepitude" but according to a German-English dictionary I have, it can also mean "fragility" which seems more appropriate to "Filosofem". Now for the other three tracks on "Filosofem" which I prefer personally I'm nowhere near as kvlt-as-fvck as I might have sounded earlier: Having the keyboards and the guitars playing the same melody together shows up the contrast between the harsh guitar sound and the smooth, almost sweet tones of the keys, and this helps to produce a feeling of pain, depression and loneliness with a minimum of effort.

The next two tracks are more black metal but like the other pieces are still repetitive, minimalist in structure and trance-like.


After this track comes the embrace of Odin-worship in the piece "Erblicket die Tochter des Firmaments" "Beholding the daughters of the firmament", that is, seeing the Valkyries of Norse myth come down from the skies to collect the dead heroes which is mid-paced with a basic rhythm and a more resigned, even contemplative mood. At this point we run up against the trio of "Rundgang As most of us are already too aware of, Varg Vikernes himself more or less followed through on what "Filosofem" suggests and found that indeed, the consequences were life-changing and transforming but not necessarily in the way he might have expected; for him, I think, the inner struggle of individual values versus society values and I am not suggesting one set of values is to be preferred over another - I suspect that Vikernes's Odin-worship is a cover for his neo-Nazi beliefs but that's my opinion will continue and the consequences of that which he will have to live with for the rest of his life are still to come.

And I guess this is the paradox about "Filosofem" that makes it a classic black metal album: This album loses even more of the riffs and turns into a dangerously groove-filled environment. Lots of Korn influence on here. The last album couldn't be called thrash, this one barely struggles to be called metal. A lot of the features central to mallcore can be found here, and I don't just mean rapped vocals - the general idea where the guitar is de-emphasised and "atmosphere" is attempted through the use of slowing down the song and inserting some whiney vocals.