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Bugfixes und Verbesserungen. Es war einmal Aber Obacht: Um ihn noch toller zu machen, haben wir die App mit diesem Update weiter verbessert und einige Fehler behoben. Size Category Lifestyle.

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So for taking fuel for a year a free seriously great grill! You can log-in using your D. And not another bloody PIN to remember! I have been having problems using my Payback card for online purchases. Theoretically, I know how it works, i. I need to start the process via the Payback site, click there on the link for the online site I want to use etc.

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Practically, I have never been creditted for online purchases, in spite of following this procedure, and am wondering what the h8ll I'm doing wrong. Prices go up for everyone to pay the payback,nothing is free, the whole thing costs money to run and we are paying. Scrap the whole idea and prices can go down a bit.

Posted 4 Aug It can take several weeks for the points to be accredited. You may also not have met the conditions e. If you're referring to Amazon, you don't get points for items purchased on Amazon from Marketplace sellers. I get a letter from Payback about once a month and one email every few days, but that's basically it. I'm not German so I don't worry about being a few digits on a database or having my front windows pictured on the Internet, and I'm happy to receive the savings.

Approval for advertising and market research

But you keep paying full price if you think your principles are worth it. Agree with STB on this. You give them your data. They sell it. So what.

So does everyone else in this day and age. Know what? I mean if you don't go to their store extra, and they are the cheapest anyway - so what? Well the data is largely used for internal purposes. With over With the successful go-live in , we have clearly proved that our technology can also be used comfortably and effectively on one of the largest platforms in Germany", explains Dr. Customers can already collect points and activate coupons at all major partners. The amount due is paid by direct debit. Neither PAYBACK nor the partners have access to the customer's banking information, and this information is not stored on the customer's smartphone.

Download this Corporate News. PAYBACK is the leading international multi-partner loyalty program and one of the biggest and most powerful marketing platforms in the world.