Realtor coupons for clients


He was willing to offer a free pizza coupon for my clients to use. In addition, I was able to brand this coupon with my logo.

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Eventually my vendor network got so big, and I had so many great coupons, that I was able to create my own personalized book of exclusive discounts. My clients actually looked forward to receiving. Just remember, coupons on their own will not create more business; YOU need to make the coupons work FOR you to generate more business. I grew my business strictly by referrals. No more door knocking, no more cold calling, no billboards, and no advertising.

10 Real Estate Promotion Ideas You’re Not Doing [But Probably Should Be]

Get instant access to my secrets to dominating real estate. Sign up to receive tips, advice, and resources to grow your business! Share on Facebook.

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More people will visit your website and contact you about buying or selling real estate. Stop reading. Referrals are not bad. They are the life-blood of marketing.

realtor coupons for clients

Real estate promotion ideas should all be tied back to asking for the referral. How do you do this? In order to break free from this type of thinking, you need to experience a different type of people. Now, stay there for at least 45 minutes and just watch people. Watch how they interact. Watch what they say.

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Watch what they are carrying around. Talk with as many of them you can for the last 15 minutes. Just have short conversations with them. For more ideas on farming new markets and neighborhoods, also check out this article. Do you remember that feeling you get after a great workout? They are a great way to surprise individuals and make their day. They also provide awesome conversations starters.

Traditional Real Estate Marketing Ideas

The front desk person at the office. Pick a busy coffee shop and sit down. People will be working and interacting. This should give you the motivation and inspiration you need to start over on another day of marketing. Marketing and promotion in real estate can be discouraging. Simply, recharge and startup conversations with the people that walk in. Either way, getting into a new environment is a great way to shake up your selling and promoting.

Reach out to a local elementary school teacher this week and offer to do a talk on careers. You never know what will happen! Maybe the teacher will give you a backlink from their blog. They are in the same position as you.

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Restaurants face stiff competition from food chains. Local hardware stores face the Home Depots of the world.

Reach out to these people and suggest co-marketing together. If they work in any industry that deals with homes, you can co-brand and send referrals to each other. Reaching out to them is quite easy. I suggest finding the individuals who are page of Google and contacting them. These people get substantially fewer requests for this type of activity and will be more receptive to it.

This can really help business. Quick questions: Who is always featured on websites, newsletters, and other informational material? Individuals who sit on boards. It will probably take a few emails and conversations to get familiar with how that local group works. I typically email about 10 people and agencies when starting this method.

Reaching out to a top agent in another market for advice is a great way to get new ideas. Be sure to keep the relationship a two way street.