Breast cancer freebies patients

Free Products and Services For Cancer Patients

FREE Stuff for Breast Cancer Patients - Breast Cancer Recovery

Donors can also make tax-deductible donations of money or gift cards in honor or memory of loved ones. To make a referral or request a card, Click Here. This national non-profit helps metastatic breast cancer patients cover the insurance co-payment cost of chemo and targeted treatment drugs.

Patients must meet certain criteria related to their diagnosis, treatment and financial situation and must have private insurance or Medicare. If you do not qualify, the organization will refer you to other patient assistance programs that may be able to help.

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Diva for a Day: Women currently in treatment for cancer or less than six months out complete with a minute video and make-over tips for patients who cannot get to a Let them know you heard about them on BreastCancerFreebies .com. CancerCare Co-Payment Assistance Foundation: This national non-profit helps metastatic breast cancer patients cover the insurance co-payment cost of chemo .

Please Note: Depending on demand and length of their waiting list, Cancer Care they occasionally suspends taking new referrals. Check back to see whether they have opened up their distribution. Or make a donation to help them continue. On the more practical side of things, nationwide organizations have been founded to help cancer patients with the logistical side of things. The American Cancer Society offers a network of patient lodging programs, called Hope Lodge , that allow for free room and board for family members who are supporting you during your time of need.

In order to continue with effective care and treatment, the Road to Recovery program connects cancer patients with qualified drivers so that appointments can be made. Just think about how much money this could save versus taking a taxi or hiring a medical ride service to drive you!

Other incredible offerings found with a simple web search include companies that offer free housecleaning once a month for cancer patients, free nutritional supplements and discount cards for medications, as well as audio books and CDs. No item or service is too small to go unappreciated by a cancer patient.

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The above descriptions sound delightful, and no one would turn down any of the services or swag that is available to cancer patients. Ultimately, dealing with cancer is a long ordeal that can drain you financially, emotionally, spiritually, and certainly physically. A hug goes a long way, as does a smile or an encouraging word. Imagine receiving a free wig or makeup in the mail to help you feel like your old self again!

The psychological impact of these free items is immeasurable. If you have cancer and could benefit from the assistance of free items or services, reach out to the American Cancer Society or any organization you can find online. Applications can be found on their web site. A national non-profit helps metastatic breast cancer patients cover the insurance co-payment cost of chemo and targeted treatment drugs.

Patients must meet certain criteria related to their diagnosis, treatment and financial situation and must have private insurance or Medicare. If you do not qualify, the organization will refer you to other patient assistance programs that may be able to help. You have to fax a note from your doctor. May be overbooked in some areas, like mine but is a very necessary service for those who can take advantage. If you have had a mastectomy and lymph surgery, you are forever at risk for lymphodema.

Help for the body, soul and pocketbook — when you need it most

You cannot have blood pressure taken or blood drawn from that arm. If you are going into the hospital and want to remind medical personal of the risks, you can get a free bracelet from ReidSleeve. In fact, most of the resources listed above came from her dedicated research. Please visit her website — Breast Cancer Freebies — to discover more resources to help you on and in your recovery. Facing cancer is hard.

Having to travel out of town for treatment can make it even harder. Yet the American Cancer Society has a place where cancer patients and their caregivers can find help and hope when home is far away — an American Cancer Society Hope Lodge.

FREE Stuff for Breast Cancer Patients

Each Hope Lodge offers cancer patients and their caregivers a free place to stay when their best hope for effective treatment may be in another city. Currently, there are 31 Hope Lodge locations throughout the United States. Accommodations and eligibility requirements may vary by location. Cancer is an Expensive Illness…. Click Here To Order. Tell them healincomfort sent you!

Free Stuff for Cancer Patients

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Me and my family - mini version

I've got better things to do than survive. Chemo Angels: You sit with a group of ladies who all have cancer and are in various stages of chemo. As part of the Sisters Network, a leading voice for African American breast cancer survivors, this program provides FREE services to women facing financial challenges during treatment, radiation and chemotherapy, including medical related lodging, co-pays, office visits and prosthesis. Healthline Healthline Healthline.

The Cancer Card Xchange. Visit The Cancer Card Xchange.