Venture deals brad feld jason mendelson

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Be Smarter than Your Lawyer and Venture Capitalist

Who is it for? About the author.

A Serial Entrepreneur’s Take On Brad Feld & Jason Mendelson’s Venture Deals

The authors' frank style and incisive insight make this a must-read for high-growth company entrepreneurs, early-stage investors, and graduate students.? Excellent for an entrepreneur seeking practical advice for his first or next funding round. The questions include: Lots of very useful, accurate information based on the fact that I was on the management team of multiple startups that raised Series A, B, C financing and seen all of these first hand. Lists with This Book.

First-time entrepreneurs who want to take their company to the next level Experienced entrepreneurs who want to hone their negotiating skills Anyone who needs financial resources to turn his or her great idea into a business. Go Premium and get the best of Blinkist Upgrade to Premium now and get unlimited access to the Blinkist library. Upgrade to Premium. What is Blinkist? Start free trial.

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Venture Deals: Be Smarter Than Your Lawyer and Venture Capitalist Hardcover – December 26, As each new generation of entrepreneurs emerges, there is a renewed interest in how venture capital deals come together. Nobody understands this better than authors Brad Feld and. Be Smarter than Your Lawyer and Venture Capitalist - Venture Deals by Brad Feld and Jason Mendelson.

Log in to Blinkist. Log in Log in. You don't have an account? Sign up for Blinkist. Show Hide. They are both former entrepreneurs and current Partners at Foundry Group , a highly successful, early stage venture firm. My favorite line in the song is: Although Venture Deals primarily describes what an entrepreneur should do to facilitate the funding process, I found the brief chapter describing what not to do to be especially instructive.

The mistakes outlined in this chapter include several that I have seen entrepreneurs make when pitching me, including:.

Venture Deals

The typical sophisticated investor crafts funding rounds for a living, whereas an entrepreneur usually raises money a handful of times over their entire careers. If you have an ad hoc funding question, these sources may still satisfy your needs. However, if you are an emerging entrepreneur seeking institutional funding, the time and monetary investment required to read Venture Deals will undoubtedly yield a positive ROI.

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Venture Deals has made my life easier by providing me with a one-stop repository of fundraising advice that I can recommend to my students and other emerging entrepreneurs. Since its publication, I have referred hundreds of entrepreneurs to Venture Deals , most recently at a keynote talk I gave to budding entrepreneurs at Cal Tech.

Venture Deals: Be Smarter Than Your Lawyer and Venture Capitalist Audiobook

If you are an emerging entrepreneur contemplating the mysteries of the fundraising process, Venture Deals will undoubtedly make your life easier as well. John Greathouse is a Partner at Rincon Venture Partners , a venture capital firm investing in early stage, web-based businesses. John is a CPA and holds an M. All of my advice in this blog is that of a layman.

I am not a lawyer and I never played one on TV. You should always assess the veracity of any third-party advice that might have far-reaching implications be it legal, accounting, personnel, tax or otherwise with your trusted professional of choice. He promises to never Tweet about sunsets, kittens or awesome burritos. Skip to content. In contrast, Venture Deals focuses on pragmatic, tactical advice. Jargon Free — As noted in Buzzkill , it can be difficult to describe a complex subject in simple terms, free of industry jargon.

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Their relentless mostly friendly mocking of venture capitalists and lawyers adds some welcomed levity to what can be, at times, dry subject matter.