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Teeth Straightening cost London- Braces price in London

Customers can have their smiles straightened with one or two arches of clear braces with optional advice on oral health. These discreet braces are designed to gently straighten and align the teeth. Discreetly straighten teeth with these braces for the top or bottom arches, or both, at a clinic in Hampstead or Shepperton. Take the first step towards healthy and aesthetically pleasing smile with a set of clear dental aligners for top and bottom teeth.

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These clear ceramic braces can be installed on one or both arches and aim to help straighten teeth while remaining discreet. Customers can have their smile straightened with clear braces for upper or lower arch.

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Customers can improve their smiles with a set of transparent, fixed braces that discreetly move teeth into correct positions. Designed to help correct misaligned teeth, this treatment is available at a central Harley Street location.

Discreet orthodontic braces designed to realign crooked teeth can be fitted at clinics in Hampton, Byfleet or Twickenham. A dentist will provide consultation before moving on to air polishing; they will also give advice on daily-basis teeth maintnance.

How Much Do Braces Cost in London

The health and appearance of teeth, gums and surrounding soft tissues can be examined during a check-up, with scale and polish included. Patients can undergo a dental exam that includes a scale, polish and airflow cleaning; located close to High Street Kensington station.

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Teeth can be thoroughly cleaned and smiles maintained thanks to a clean, scale, polish with an optional fluoride treatment. Clients can take care of their teeth with a dental examination complete with a scale, polish and X-ray, plus an optional home whitening kit. Undergo a dental exam that includes a scale, polish and airflow cleaning at this clinic near Brent Cross and Hendon Central tube.

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Gums and surrounding areas are examined, issues discussed and advice provided on cleaning habits and any points of concern. Customers can see their pearls shine brightly again thanks to a one-hour teeth whitening treatment, paired with a whitening pen to take home.

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Teeth can be left squeaky clean with a dental exam plus a scale and polish at this clinic near Brent Cross and Hendon Central tube. Get dental health checked with intra-oral photos and X-rays, along with an ultrasonic scaling and polish; includes treatment plan discussion.

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Main menu Open search menu. At ODL Dental, we know that every case is different and believe in offering a fair and competitive price, based on the level of complexity and the length of the treatment. With our Pay-As-You-Go braces plan, you pay for the treatments as they are completed, rather than having to pay a full fixed fee up-front. Please see the chart below for a list of braces we offer and a summary of the key differences between them.

Braces options and prices in London

Teeth Straightening cost London- Braces price in London. Cost of Braces in London - Pay-as-you-go braces Many clinics in London usually charge one fixed price for braces, irrespective of how simple or difficult the treatment plan may be. How visible? Tooth-coloured ceramic brackets are less visible than metal.

Invisalign in East London

Appropriate for: Nearly all cases, including some of the most difficult cases. Invisible Lingual.


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Mostly for simple to moderate cases. Speed of treatment: Will depend on the amount of aligners needed. It depends on type of appliances. Overall Costs: