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The know-how we've taken care of, making Melodyne's legendary technology available now as a plug-in for your sequencer. With Melodyne plugin, you can control the intonation, timing, volume and sound of your vocal recordings. So perfection was never nearer. Or simpler to attain. Now you just have to want it. Neon, FunX, RA. Und das bietet die neue SAE Rotterdam: School Profile: Six years later, a second one was established in Rotterdam. Rotterdam is the second largest municipality in the Netherlands after the capital, Amsterdam, and the largest city in the province of Zuid-Holland South Holland.

Situated on the banks of the Nieuwe Maas River, the largest port in Europe with its modern cityscape, high-rises, and famous tourist attractions e. Exuding international flair, thanks to its carefree attitude and unflagging energy, the wide variety of nightlife attractions, and legendary pubs and clubs, Rotterdam attracts visitors, professionals, and media attention from all over the world.

During the annual world-famous International Film and North Sea Jazz festivals, the city becomes a Mecca for movie and music lovers alike. Formerly located on the 7th floor of the Groothandelsgebouw, a monumental and historically important building near the central station, SAE Rotterdam started out as an audio-only school with one small Yamaha O2R studio.

Due to popular demand, the multimedia and film departments were added shortly after SAE Rotterdam expanded to the 2nd floor. Later on, another studio featuring a Digidesign ProControl was tacked on. The purpose-built new school features more classrooms, more practical workstations, more studios, and major equipment upgrades.

The construction of the studios, classrooms, and offices started in April and was completed in August. SAE Rotterdam moved into the building during summer break. Our new facilities feature: Its primary goal is to build up a functioning career network with an active, informative and helpful community for all members. Further training, the exchange of knowledge and ideas, regional meetings, excursions and professional seminars are among the central activities of the association.

In addition, the community provides for exclusive job placement, a large pool of technical consultants and numerous cooperative industrial agreements for discounts with manufacturers, technical magazines and insurance companies. The foundation of the network is formed by the regional chapters of the association at all SAE locations led by volunteer Chapter Presidents. In addition to the company Avid, who brought a complete Nitris workstation with them, we were also visited by Digidesign, who introduced us to the new functions of Pro Tools 7.

There are already several workshops scheduled for the beginning of — the invitations are already on their way to our Alumni. The large number of successful graduates brought new faces and new ideas to our Chapter. In the perfectly prepared SAE, the celebration was relaxed and participants enjoyed the super catering. Talks, of course, revolved around business, the branch and upcoming workshops and events. I would like to express my thanks to all the Alumni in the Stuttgart Chapter. I have served as Chapter President for five years now and still enjoy the excellent new ideas for workshops that keep coming in.

Weiter so! Volles Haus beim Digidesign Workshop So long ! We look back on a very good and successful year. Tax consultant Walter Mock offered free consultation sessions to SAE Cologne Alumni and gave them important tips and advice for their own businesses. To the delight of all Alumni, he offered a whole range of special deals from Digidesign, with discounts of 40 to 50 percent on various models of the Mbox 2 and the Digi bundles.

2. ’Stories’ format is growing 15 times faster than feed-based sharing

For we can only say: Den Alumni wurde die fachgerechte Umsetzung einer Dance-Produktion gezeigt. Sie konnten Fragen stellen, die vom Dozenten in der Praxis vor Ort anhand von Fallbeispielen beantwortet wurden. So konnten die Anwesenden einen tiefen Einblick in die Produktionswelt erlangen.

The Alumni were shown the professional implementation of a dance production. They were able to ask questions, which the instructor answered onsite using the current production as an example. This gave the participants some deep insight into the world of production. At a workshop offered by the company Digidesign at the end of last year, Hamburg Alumni were able to gather information about the new features of Pro Tools 7.

That focused the roundtable in August totally on the HMP summer festival and gave opportunity them to talk to various people involved in the Munich acoustic and studio scene. Wir bilden uns auch fort: But we did much more than just talk, of course. We furthered our training as well: He gave us interesting insight into his methods and how he works with Live, Reason and Logic.

An additional highlight was certainly the introduction of the new Digidesign C24 and Pro Tools version 7. On January 29th, we had the opportunity to enjoy a presentation on room acoustics and monitoring, which dealt with everything from the choice of speakers and their positioning to their setting capabilities. As is certainly known far and wide by now, we continue to be the most athletic Alumni Chapter. A snow boarding and skiing event is in the works and our badminton season started in November. In December, we even had interregional guests see photo.

Several seminar highlights are on the menu for at the Leipzig Chapter. It had to be rescheduled due to the sudden need for repair work on the revolving stage in the hall. Workshops on the Neve 88R console, Linux-based audio sequencing, combustion, 35mm Adapter, etc. Es sei noch die letzte SAE Winterparty am A lot of networking took place as the crowd celebrated through the night to the music of three bands and three DJs. Our most advanced instrument ever.

All navigated via an elegant 8-knob desktop console, and a refreshingly simple new interface. Start your sonic exploration today at www. The Frankfurt Chapter met in the Eckton-Studios on November 8th to make up for the delayed summer grill party. At the end of November, there was a whiskey tasting event with Julia Nourney. During the three hour long seminar, we had an introduction into whisky production and an overview of the different flavor directions. December ended peacefully with no special events.

Der Dezember klang ohne Veranstaltungen in aller Ruhe aus. Den Auftakt machte die Modo Roadshow am Januar, die von der SAE zusammen mit Luxology und maconcept veranstaltet wird. Zu diesem Zweck wurde Andy Brown von Luxology eingeladen modo vorzustellen. Der Vortrag wurde von Dipl. In even more exciting workshops and events were already on the calendar.

Andy Brown of Luxology was invited to come and introduce modo On February 26th, Audio Technica Deutschland held a seminar on the operation of wireless systems in Wiesbaden. The presentation was given by Dipl. Alexander Lepges, who had the task of handling over wireless connections during the Olympics. The non-brand-specific presentation explained how, for example, 20 wireless connections could be made operational legally. Deshalb durfte neben der fachlichen Weiterbildung, z.

Chapter Wien Besides a successful new edition of our Game Session — as discussed in the last issue — many former SAE graduates accepted the invitation to celebrate with us and tell a bit about their work. Guten Appetit! This time we want to talk about real gastronomy. The rather old-fashioned name does not come close to describing the atmosphere, which seems more like a badly lighted, perhaps partially over-decorated scene restaurant rather than an old winery.

We had a fairly large test group this time, so we were able to try out a good portion of the dishes offered on the menu. Enjoy your meal! Man produziert an vier Orten der Erde auf absolutem Weltniveau. Nicht umsonst findet man in den Studios immer wieder die Popstars dieser Erde bei Aufnahmen, zur Mischung oder zum Mastern. In four locations on earth, one produces at absolutely world-class level. It is no coincidence that you can find the pop stars of the world in the Studios doing their recording, mixing and mastering. The large recording room A was turned into an extremely complex set for a sixtypiece orchestra.

Beside the extensive microphone setup, consisting of two main stereo microphones and numerous supporting mics for the individual instruments, an ingenious headphone system was set up. The goal was to provide each musician with headphones and to be able to control the feed to each individual group of instruments from the recording booth. In the scope of this production, the group No Angels also came by to record the vocals for the title song.

Annett Louisan had already spent some time in two weeks before doing vocal recording for her stu- News: To celebrate, an anniversary-edition of all the published and non-published versions of the song was compiled in Studios Guitar for the project. Dabei kamen zahlreiche Mikrofone der umfangreichen Sammlung zum Einsatz. At the beginning of December, unusual recordings were made in the large recording room A. For an entire week, a Yamaha Grand Piano was sampled note for note - with the keys being struck in varying ways and with varying velocities - for the sample library of a new software instrument.

Several different types of microphones out of the collection were put to use in the process. The first recordings are already in the bag and we are looking forward to the first release! EP zu produzieren. Der Gitarrist Neil Taylor u. Die Zusammenarbeit soll neue Akzente in der deutschen Musikszene setzen. Rearview will be in the Studios again at the beginning of the year to produce their second EP with Ulli Pallemanns. We look forward to working together with the German musician, songwriter and producer Ulf Weidmann in The cooperation hopes to set new trends in the German music scene.

We are again looking for artists of convincing quality. For Interactive GmbH, began with the implementation of a newly designed website for the Group. It provides a uniform presentation of the entire Group and presents the extensive services offers in a single Web-presence. Newly acquired Freelancers and partner companies are supporting the agency in successfully implementing this mammoth project and others still in the planning stage.

Neben der Convention arbeitet Frank derzeit an einem Online Umfragesystem. In addition to working on the convention, Frank is currently working on an online opinion poll system. The Interactive team in Munich can celebrate its first big successes. Besides designing various print projects, the well-practiced crew have implemented an online ring configurator and did the advertising bookings for a world-renowned customer.

They have also designed, planned and programmed several Internet pages. Die Performance ist unter www. You can see the performance under www. Mit einer nationalen Tournee und einem brandneuen Track beehren sie ihre Fans. They are honoring their fans with a national tour and a brand new track. Ab Februar wird es auch eine CD der Liveaufnahme geben. Nash Chambers produced the twelve songs and Steve Smart gave both albums their final touch with his mastering skills.

In February, a CD of the live recording will be released. Das Album wird in den Studios Sydney gemischt. The Studio Manager Paul Pilsnenik did the recording. The album will be mixed in the Studios in Sydney. Das Schwein wurde, wie ein echter Rockstar, solange getriezt, bis die perfekten Aufnahmen auf Band waren. Toningenieur war Anthony Lycenko, assistiert von Pablo Verduga. Field recordings of cows, frogs, duck and sheep were integrated into the songs — even a pig had the honor of recording in the studio.

Just like a real rock star, the pig was pushed and pestered until the perfect track was on tape. The band Shifter, from Brisbane, came to the studio with their American producer, Rob Feaster, to record and mix two new songs. Anthony Lycenko was the audio engineer assisted by Pablo Verduga. Vertrieb von: Tristan Eck www.

Around the world, mastering guru Bob Katz enjoys a well-deserved reputation as the man with the finest ears in the industry. During his long and eventful career, he has worked with artists from countless different musical genres. Wie hat alles begonnen? Eigentlich sollte man ja nicht im selben Studio mastern, in dem man mischt. Wir fingen mit LPs an. Wir produzierten zwischen und CDs. Was ist deine Meinung zur Musikindustrie?

Meiner Meinung nach ist jeder, der irgendwie mit Musik zu tun hat, Teil der Musikindustrie. Ich arbeite mit Musikern, die sich an der Spitze ihrer ganz eigenen Charts befinden. Was wir machen, ist richtig gutes Mastering. Und momentan mastere ich das Album einer spanischen Band, die argentinischen Tango spielt. Robin nimmt einige sehr wichtige Funktionen in unserem Arbeitsablauf wahr.

Wenn der Kunde dann bei uns im Studio ist, haben wir alles kontrolliert und getestet und ich bin mit der Musik soweit vertraut. Tell us a little bit about your background. How did it all begin? I started as an audiophile engineer recording live Folk and Jazz. When I came to New York, I did maintenance work in studios and recording and mastering in my home.

David Chesky, who was starting an audiophile record label, read the article and contacted me. We started with LPs. The device was then used in our recordings. We produced between and CDs. I built my own mastering studio to do work for David and other clients, and from there it took off. What is your opinion on the music industry? Is the music industry audiophile recording, or Britney Spears, or Sony, or independent labels?

I think that anyone who is involved in music in some way is part of the music industry. I was doing independent Jazz and Folk records from the s. I like esoteric artists with an acoustic feel. I work with musicians from different genres who are at the top of their very own charts. What we do is really good audio mastering. My focus is on alternative artists from different genres.

Robin plays an important role in our workflow. He makes sure that the files have no noises, that they are clean, and that sample rates are accurate. He drops the files into an edit list and auditions them, making sure everything is ready. What equipment do you use? In mastering, there is no one single tool that changes things in a radical fashion. Each individual piece of gear makes subtle changes, and that symbiotic combination and how the tools are used adds up to a final product that may sound better than the original source.

It adds a little bit of warmth and space to the sound. I might use a pair of my Cranesong Trakker compressors to add some extra punch. The final product is going to end up on a CD, on the internet, or possibly as an mp3 file. In any case, there are losses. For peak limiting, I have three options: The most important gear besides the room and your ears are the monitors. Um da ein wenig gegenzusteuern, kommt eine meiner patentierten Erfindungen zum Einsatz. Was Peak-Limiting angeht, stehen drei Kandidaten zur Auswahl: Loudness probably trumps everything else.

So etwas beeinflusst das Klangempfinden und damit auch deine Entscheidungen bei der Arbeit. Sie ist 3,35 m breit, 4,27 m lang und 2,74 m hoch. Level changes can have an influence on how things sound to you and on your decisions. How is Digital Domain set up? Studio A has been optimized for the most audiophile quality of reproduction. It allows the recording and the master to translate to different locations and venues.

Studio B was built in a spare bedroom. But through electronic compensation, acoustical traps, extraordinary work at positioning our subwoofers, and the use of a pair of satellite speakers that roll off sharply at 60Hz, we were able to achieve an extremely linear frequency response. This makes Studio B an excellent mixing room and a good supplementary mastering room calibrated for a smooth and accurate frequency response. But, only in one sweet spot. What is your personal specialty in recording?

My specialty has always been the recording of large ensembles all at once. I use a technique I adapted from classical music to record Pop, Jazz, and Rock. I capture the vast majority of musicians with a Blumlein pair, possibly supplemented with a few spot mikes. I get a really good balance as well as good presence in vocals and instruments, depth, and space. What are your predictions for the quality of music recordings in the future? Right through the early s, the quality of what the average consumer was listening to at home was much better than it is today.

Music may be playing on a radio in the background while someone is playing a video game or watching a movie on DVD. Expectations, regarding the music industry and us, the engineers, to create great-sounding music that can be appreciated by the consumer have changed and gone down. The internet and music downloads have taken over as the primary method of music distribution. People will listen to an mp3 file on YouTube or iTunes, where the quality is already poor and then play it back on small computer loudspeakers.

However, in my book I predict how and why high fidelity will return to the home by around the year And by talking about how this can be achieved, we as engineers can make it happen! Allerdings sage ich in meinem Buch voraus, wie und warum Hi-Fi so um herum ein Comeback erleben wird.

Bob Katz in Studio A pic below: Perspective, gained in years of critical listening 2. Critical listening experience with different types of music in high-fidelity situations 3. A dedicated room, very quiet and acoustically designed 4. High-resolution monitoring 5. Knowing what gear and tools to use, how to use them, and when not to use them.

The way you use them is far more important than which tools you choose. Jemand, der das nicht verstehen kann und sich bei so etwas langweilt, ist bei mir fehl am Platz. Meine Frau hatte es geschafft, einen Job bei einem sehr kritischen, auf Werbefotos spezialisierten Fotografen an Land zu ziehen. Wenn eine Filmrolle voll war, musste man nachladen. Mary hatte irgendwie den Dreh raus, dem Fotografen genau dann einen neuen Film hinzuhalten, als der gerade danach fragen wollte.

Das beeindruckte ihn tierisch. Foto geschossen hatte, hielt ich ihm eine neue Rolle hin. Gute Assistenten sind fast so etwas wie Telepathen. Wenn man mal soweit ist, dann ist man ein perfekter Assistent und wird irgendwann auch ein guter Mastering Engineer. Ein echt wichtiger Punkt. Ich habe an der SAE Amsterdam und hier in Bobs Studio sehr viel gelernt und mir kommt es so vor, als ob Studenten heutzutage mehr daran interessiert sind, Beats zu programmieren oder ein Album in die Charts zu bringen, als daran, wie Digitaltechnik eigentlich funktioniert.

Es ist von entscheidender Wichtigkeit zu wissen, was AudioSoftware wirklich tut. Robin erinnert mich ein bisschen an mich selbst vor vielen Er lacht. Er lacht noch einmal. Aber er ist viel mehr als das. Falls das so ist, lade ich ihn nie mehr zum Essen ein. Er ist sehr talentiert und hat ein breites Fachwissen, das er in jeder Situation anwenden kann.

Ich hatte schon viele Assistenten und habe mit vielen erfahrenen Kollegen in der Branche gearbeitet und Robin ist definitiv einer der Besten. What do you look for in students who want to land an internship with you? Every potential intern or assistant should have a strong knowledge of computers, networking, file structure, and web programming. Candidates need to have a critical ear. For me, the most interesting music is the one that sounds the most natural. A very well recorded bluegrass piece that sounds like the group is performing right in front of me turns me on.

Do you have any good advice for our SAE students? Little anecdote: In New York City, a very competitive environment, my wife managed to get a job as an assistant for a critical photographer, whose specialty was shooting products for catalogs. This was still in the days of film, so when one roll was finished, he had to reload.

Mary had the knack of handing him a new roll just when he needed it, which really impressed the guy. At any rate, the photographer was totally amazed that she actually kept counting. A good assistant has to be almost telepathic. When you get to that point, you can be a great assistant and eventually a great mastering engineer. I also think we should caution people that digital audio requires far more technical knowledge and training than analog ever did.

Crucial point! After patching, we always check every piece, verify that left is still left and right is still right. You can never assume that everything is o. You always have to check, and while doing that, you have to try to understand how the software works. Unfortunately, students today assume that things are working properly because somebody else built them, and so they must be good, right? Robin reminds me of myself in darker times! I like to think of him as a mini-me. Laughs again. But in many ways, he is more than that. Robin is going to get a swelled head now. He has a wide range of knowledge, likes to apply it in every possible area, and is very talented.

Thank you very much for the interview. We are very happy to see that one of our SAE graduates is well on his way to becoming one of the experts in the mastering field. This shows once more that with a passion for audio, dedication, thirst for knowledge, and critical ears, the sky is the limit!

For more information on Digital Domain Mastering Studios, visit www. Wir sind sehr erfreut, dass sich einer unserer SAE Absolventen auf dem besten Weg befindet, ein Experte im Bereich des professionellen Mastering zu werden. Interview Traumberuf Projektmanager in einer Kreativagentur Dream job: What have been the most decisive stations and experiences in your career development and how did they benefit you?

During my Multimedia Producer studies at SAE and my Communications Host studies at the Academy for Marketing Communication in Frankfurt, I was able to make valuable contacts, along with the knowledge I gained form the basis of my current work. During that time I was able to expand the scope of my entrepreneurial knowledge and I learned to work creatively and to be goal oriented.

After all, each project is new and different. Welche Einstiegsqualifikationen werden heute erwartet? Der klassische Weg in eine Leitungs- bzw. Doch im Bereich Interactive wird zunehmend Wert auf Berufserfahrung gelegt, sodass ein Bewerber mit Projekterfahrung bisweilen bessere Chancen hat als ein Hochschulabsolvent. What qualifications are expected to get into the business today?

Is there still the classical self-starter or is an academic degree required in order to take on a leading or management position in a creative agency? The classical way into a leadership or management position is still via an academic degree. But in the interactive aspect, more and more value is being placed on work experience, so that in the meantime applicants with project experience have a better chance at getting a job than a university graduate.

But whether self-starter or not, everyone must prove themselves during the climb up to the management level — so at the end of the day it is actual ability that decides. So it is definitely possible to balance out a lack of academic achievement with sufficient know-how and experience — but it is certainly the stonier path. Welche Qualifikation muss ein guter Projektmanager besitzen, um erfolgreich im Job zu bestehen? Muss er aktuelle technische Trends selbst beherrschen oder reicht das theoretische Wissen?

Does he need to be able to master the current technical trends or is theoretical knowledge enough? It is the mix of technical knowledge, understanding of current developments and practical experience that makes a really good project manager. That way, it is possible to recognize bottle necks in operative processes, implement counter measures and even personally help out should the need arise.

That means hand-on working knowledge of Interview: Photoshop and Flash. Besides leadership qualities, integrity and know-how, social competence is also essential for a good project manager. Aktuell betreut bei uns ein Projektmanager mindestens zwei Etats und mehrere Projekte gleichzeitig und arbeitet dabei eng mit anderen Units zusammen.

And how many and which projects are you currently involved in? Together with the Creative Director, he puts the appropriate creative team together for a project, provides advisory support for colleagues and maintains direct contact with the customer. We also work closely with the controlling department and need to maintain good time and cost management. Currently, a project manager at our firm oversees at least two budgets and several projects at the same time and works very closely with other units.

That can get to be very hectic and confusing at times. But to be very honest that is when it gets to be really fun! Are the large agencies putting more emphasis on employees or freelancers in area of project management, and how are work hours and vacation time regulated? Earning possibilities in an agency are not as bad as many think. A project manager can make good money in the meantime but he has to work a lot to do so, of course laughs.

Advancement possibilities are strongly linked to personal dedication and competence our new CEO is the best example. In the area of project management, full-time employees are preferred over freelancers as a rule. After all, very proprietary information is often involved. Freelancers are called in as needed, in order to get things done more quickly in projects with tight deadlines. That is always a great help. But in the case of a project manager, there is also the continual aspect of the strategic market launch, and it is simply easier to work with the interdisciplinary team as an employee of the firm.

As far as working hours and vacation, I have to be flexible as a project manager. The project and the deadline have priority. I arrange my free time around that. Immerhin hat man es mit sehr vertraulichen Informationen zu tun. Was die Arbeits- und Urlaubszeiten betrifft, muss ich als Projektmanager flexibel sein. Wo siehst du dich in 5 bis 10 Jahren? Nein, im Ernst. Wie der aktuellen Presse zu entnehmen ist, richtet sich die Frankfurter Agentur gerade strategisch neu aus. Das ist wirklich spannend. Ich vertraue darauf, dass die interne Zusammenarbeit noch weiter ausgebaut wird.

In 10 Jahren? Ein gutes Netzwerk ist unverzichtbar. Ich versuche, guten Kontakt mit ehemaligen Dozenten, Kommilitonen, Arbeitskollegen, Projektpartnern und Kunden zu halten. Ein Projektmanager ist ohne diese Kontakte nur halb so erfolgreich. Fachlicher Austausch ist wichtig, um auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben. Was willst du unseren Multimedia und Webdesign Studenten noch mit auf den Weg geben? Zieht das angefangene Studium durch. Es ist sicher oft schwierig am Ball zu bleiben, wenn man nebenher arbeitet und Rechnungen bezahlen muss.

Wir sind immer auf der Suche nach talentierten jungen Menschen und freuen uns auf eure Bewerbung auf www. Where do you see yourself in five or ten years? No, seriously. As you can discern from the press, the Frankfurt agency is going through some strategic reorganization. That is really exciting. Outsiders unfortunately still unjustly perceive us as a purely classical creative agency. I believe that internal cooperation will continue to be expanded.

The path leads away from disciplinary teams toward a single platform agency. I want to have an active part in that process and there is much to do over the next five years. In ten years? Well, hopefully in the top level management of an interactive agency and perhaps at some point in the role of a teacher, who is able to pass his knowledge and excitement for this branch on to others.

It is still amazing how little know-how there is in interactive media in spite of all the technology hype over the past few years. A good network is indispensable. Their maintenance and expansion are part of my job. A project manager without these contacts is only half as successful. The most important thing is not the number of people you know, but rather the contacts that are mutually beneficial for both parties. The exchange of trade knowledge is important to keep up-to-date.

Often, new cooperation possibilities open up and new ideas are generated. What would you like to give our Multimedia and Web Design students on take with them on their path? See the course of study you have started through to the very end. It is certainly difficult to stick with it when you have to work on the side and pay the bills. But it is worth it to press on. Ein Trend, der zum einen durch animierte Filme und Werbetrailer sowie zum anderen durch immer benutzerfreundlichere Software getragen wird.

More and more, digital content creation is a term on every tongue. It is a trend carried along by animated films and advertising as well as software, which is becoming ever more user friendly. With consistent double-digit growth and continual demand for new technical and non-technical talent in Germany, we are dealing with a branch that has already proven its strength over a long time. Matthias Lange, Chief Editor and branch expert, was kind enough to grant us an Email interview. Sicherlich haben wir derzeit einen Wirtschaftsboom, der Gesamtwirtschaft geht es einfach besser.

Aber 3D findet auch in anderen Branchen statt. Der Strukturwandel vollzieht sich derzeit im Architekturbereich. Ich will eine Visualisierung sehen, noch bevor auf der Baustelle irgendetwas passiert. Die Amerikaner und Asiaten machen es vor, wenn es um internationale Projekte geht. Hier holen gerade junge Architekten in Zusammenarbeit mit 3D-Artists gewaltig auf. In einem anderen Bereich haben wir die Nase vorn: Automobilvisualisierung ist ein typisch deutsches Thema und hier sind wir megastark. The DCC branch seems to be moving in a positive market environment at this point in time.

What are the determining factors for the strong growth in this sector? We are certainly in the middle of an economic boom; the general economy is simply doing better. Whereas 3D animation, modeling and everything having to do with it was once considered to be something for freaks and math geniuses, now the market has discovered its value for itself. There are many examples. We must be especially grateful to Pixar. They have shown what is possible in animated films and have remained on the leading edge of animation technology.

Ist es eher die kurze, sehr spezialisierte Ausbildung, z. Die lernt man nicht an der Uni. Will man allerdings ins Ausland, zu Weta beispielsweise, dann muss man absoluter Spezialist sein. Allerdings darf man sich keinen Illusionen hingeben. Hier gilt es dann wieder Anschlussprojekte zu finden. Welche Chancen bieten sich derzeit Berufseinsteigern?

Sehr, sehr gute. Dies kann sowohl auf freier als auch auf fest angestellter Basis geschehen. Hier ist gutes Geld zu verdienen. Das ist auch bei klassischen Zeitschriftenverlagen so. Viele Covers und Infografiken werden bereits mit 3D-Software erstellt. Die letzte Cannes-Rolle hat gezeigt, dass alle Filme Animationselemente beinhalten.

Kein Werbeprospekt der Autoindustrie wird heute noch klassisch fotografiert, sondern die Aufnahmen sind fotorealistische Renderings. Sich auf diesen Markt einzustellen, ist kein Fehler. Eines ist ganz klar. Dies ist auch eine klare Aussage der Wirtschaft: Es muss alles reibungslos ineinander greifen.

Dazu muss miteinander gesprochen werden. Die Veranstaltung war ein voller Erfolg. Damit Matthias J. Lange Matthias J. Kong — what is happening in those films in the area of animation and the influence they had on the whole branch. But 3D happens in other branches as well. There is structural change taking place in the area of architecture right now. As a customer, there is no way for me to really read the plans drawn up by the architectural company. I want to see a visualization before anything happens at the construction site.

With large-scale projects, the visualization is required to take part in the pitch. The Americans and the Asians are showing the way when it comes to international projects. Particularly young architects are catching up fast with 3D.

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In other areas, we are the front-runners: Automobile visualization is a typical German theme and there we are mega strong. What sort of education should one look for today? Is it more the short, very specialized training, for example, with an emphasis on modeling or animation — or does it make sense to complete a broader based course of study, where the relevant workflows between the various areas are taught?

Good question, difficult question — I would like to answer it as follows: If one wishes to live and work in Germany, then I think a broader based education makes more sense. That is where you learn how the different branches relate. Germany needs general talents and the specialization happens later in the work place anyway. In addition, every Post-House and visualization studio has its own workflow and pipeline. If one wants to work overseas, however, at Weta, for example, one needs to be an absolute specialist. But be careful not to build up any romantic illusions.

Those working on King Kong spent years animating the little toe of the ape and not the entire character. Then follow-up projects need to be found. What kinds of opportunities do those just getting into the business have? Very, very good ones. That can happen as an employee or a freelancer.

There is good money to be made in that area. I hear from colleagues that the agency and advertising branch is also looking for new talent. In the past, you were a good creative individual if you knew Xpress, Photoshop and Illustrator. In the meantime, additional knowledge of 3D software is also desired.

The same is true of classical newspaper and periodical publishers. Many covers and info graphics are already produced using 3D software. Layout and graphic departments desperately need support in these areas. There is currently a large personnel need in the areas of advertising film production. The last presentations at Cannes showed that all films contained elements of animation.

The next big shake-up is currently underway in the photo branch. Why should I put a lot of effort into building a set, flying to another country, booking lights and the whole crew, when a photo-realistic animation will fulfill the same purpose? No advertising flyer in the auto industry is shot in the classical way anymore. The photographs are photo-realistic renderings. It is no mistake to adjust to this market. What qualifications do newcomers to the business need to have?

One thing is very clear. Leave your ego at the door. You are primarily a service provider for the customer and the contractor. Another clear statement of the economy: Things need to synergize smoothly. So the cameraman and the lighting specialist need to have the 3D-artist in mind and produce the scenes in such a way that they can be quickly and economically processed in the post-production department.

That requires communication — talking things over. In much discussion with Hollywood artists, it also became clear that one should possess some know-how about classical painting and sculpture. The same applies to camera work. You can be successful in film if you know how the greats of the branch told their stories. The visual rules of deceased masters like Hitchcock, Murnau, Kubrik, Bergmann or Antonioni are still valid. And then, of course, one must be competent in the operation of the latest software — but I assume that is a given.

What has certainly been lacking in Germany has been a central event for the Digital Creation Branch. You have recognized this and have begun to remedy the lack with the first DC Days in Karlsruhe. How did the event go and are there already concrete plans for ? The event was a complete success. The reason for the DC Days was simple: The new digital technologies open up many new possibilities. Der Termin ist der Wir sind derzeit in Verhandlungen. Wir sind stark in einigen Bereichen, wie zum Beispiel Automobilvisualisierung.

Der gesamte Bereich Industriedesign ist in Deutschland zu Hause. Da wachsen sicherlich die Design- und Animationswelten zusammen. Nachdem das Web2. Welches Potential steckt in diesen Entwicklungen? Ich sehe einiges auf uns zukommen. Ich sehe wirkliches Wachstum im mobilen Bereich.

Jetzt tut sie es wirklich. Nehmen wir als Beispiel das iPhone. Jetzt ist das Internet wirklich mobil geworden. Welche Technologien werden sich mittelfristig durchsetzen? Heute ist Flash-Video Standard. Das hat Auswirkungen auf die Nachrichtenportale. Immer mehr Websites werden mit Bewegtbild ausgestattet werden. Anyone wanting to remain successful with digital media must upgrade — the exchange of experiences with colleagues is very important in that process.

The Digital Creation Days starts there and provides a new platform for the community. The practical workshops went into detail about new technologies, solution methods and business areas such as marketing potential. Professionals from the branch in Germany came and reported on their daily work on various projects.

It is certainly important to keep an eye on the big Hollywood productions, but American workflows cannot be simply superimposed on daily work here because of budget differences. The dates are November 13th and 14th. Negotiations are underway. How do you judge Germany as a location for the DCC branch in relation to other countries? We have to make the effort to see beyond our own borders. Eastern Europe with its classical film colleges and Asia with its cheap workforce are undermining our competitiveness. Often, we provide the know-how, and the hands-on work is done in Asia, thanks to FTP.

That way a project is being worked on twenty-four hours a day across the globe. We are strong in certain areas, such as automobile visualization, for example. Automakers from around the world come to Germany and give us with contracts. The entire area of industrial design is at home in Germany. Here the worlds of design and animation flow together.

The area of architectural visualization is up and coming, but the thinking at universities and government agencies needs to change. Unfortunately, I find time and again that decision makers no longer know what is possible today and how the market looks. A mental change needs to take place. A large sector of the industry overseas is game development. We offer a few companies in this branch, but we must become more professional. The 3rd Games Convention in Leipzig shows what kind of a market that is, and Germany plays only a small role.

And yet, individual states are moving more and more away from condemning the gaming industry and are beginning to support it. There are concrete examples, which are very encouraging — and that is good to see. One hears the term 3D Web more and more often. What potential do you see in this development? I can see several things coming. When you look at how fascinated the players of World of Warcraft are, one can only imagine the potential.

The virtual world of Second Life is just the beginning. The graphics still leave much to be desired. I see real growth in the mobile area. Basically, convergence is finally reality. As journalists, we have been writing for years that the world is growing together. Now it is really happening. This device and its graphical interface have changed the world. Now the Internet has really gone mobile. That certainly has an effect on the GUI of processor chips and the application of software.

The whole area of multiplayer games, where contests are fought online, is a step in that direction. The gaming industry has always been a leading edge when it comes to new hardware and software. As long as the data connections are okay, nothing stands in the way of a beautiful new online world. With web video and ever increasing bandwidth, the proportion of moving pictures on the web continues to grow. Which technologies will establish themselves over the middle term? Today, Flash video is standard.

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There are other technologies, of course, like QuickTime or Real, but YouTube has shown which way things are going. We are all visual people and I am convinced that moving pictures will continue to establish themselves even more. Later, Photo and DTP experience were required for the job.

Later, online ambitions were added. Today, a journalist needs to be able to shoot a video of an event, edit and cut it and publish it online. That has an effect on the news portals. More and more websites will use moving pictures. Opgelet, onderstaande tekst kan sporen van ironie bevatten. Lees meer berichten op Sargasso. The Government thanks you, the Parliament thanks you and the other thing is that the country does. They all nod and they go: Now I know this team here is the best of the best. Because they really do. So as a Parliament, as a country, as a Government, as a Prime Minister but also just as a fellow Australian, I want to tell you how grateful we are.

The other thing I wanted to do is pay honour. Does anyone remember George Warfe? He had been in the Battle of Bardia over in the Middle East there when they took Tobruk, all of those things. He was well-decorated and he found his real calling when he found himself in the jungles of New Guinea when there was the surge on following Kokoda. But this was a bloke who was a builder and a cabinet-maker from Melbourne. But he had to use his ingenuity, he had to use his determination and his sheer drive to sort of understand how to fight in those environments.

We recognise it, we get it and we thank you for it. So I hope you have the best Christmas you can have here and I hope you enjoy those moments that you have to Skype and Facebook and WhatsApp video and all the various things we have these days, which is much better I suppose, than it used to be. The post NYT: With the investigation pushing hard through the final phase, we are given some pieces of the puzzle.

More indictments are sure to come with, perhaps, focus on "trisexual" Roger Stone and Donald Jr. As Mueller closes in, we see Trump grow more frantic. We wait for the Congressional Republicans to remember that protecting democracy is indeed their job. As a nation we watch our standing in the world fall even further, recession fears are discussed, climate fears are fast becoming devasting reality, the Republicans go to ugly lengths to protect their stranglehold in states like Wisconsin, Michigan, and North Carolina and division is stoked by our president to protect himself from his day of reckoning.

Such is the state of this very troubled union. Thanks to Flynn, Cohen, and to some degree Manafort, we have learned much about what really went on in We know that Trump had dealings with the Russians to build Trump Tower in Moscow up until his nomination on July 19, if not after. We know that we, the voters, were lied to about this. We know that Trump directed efforts to hide his extramarital affairs, committing felonies under campaign finance laws in order to affect the presidential election.

We know that Trump committed fraud to gain the presidency and questioning his very legitimacy as president is warranted. We know there is much more to come. Now we face questions surrounding the remedy when the final blows to Trump and company come. Is impeachment warranted? Well, yes if you care at all about our democracy.

Can a sitting president be indicted? Add the word illegitimate to that and ask again.

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Should we wait until the election and let the voters decide? No, our congressmembers should honor their oath to the Constitution and save the punting for the NFL. In all that happened in the presidential election of , the fraud, the Russian involvement, the campaign finance law violations, the Comey letter of October 28, , whatever role the NRA played, in all of it, Trump lost the election.

It was the will of the people by about 3 million votes that Hillary Clinton become the 45 th President of the United States. The last straw was the Electoral College. It made a winner out of a loser by 79, votes in three states. The Electoral College keeps the majority of voters in this country hostage to the minority in presidential politics. The election of is just the beginning as population shifts continue.

Trump and damaged our country and our institutions for decades. Thank the Electoral College as our courts become so conservative as to be out of touch with the majority of Americans. In order to amend the Electoral College out of existence a proposed amendment to the Constitution must pass Congress with a two-thirds majority in both the House and the Senate.

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After that, three-fourths of the state legislatures must affirm the proposed amendment. There are other methods to amend the Constitution, but they are even more cumbersome. However, there is a way to avoid the Electoral College from doing its alchemy and making an overwhelming loser in the popular election the winner ever again. Keep the Electoral College, but through legislation our Congress, with its implied powers under Article 1, Section 8, Clause 18 of the Constitution, could pass a law negating the results in the Electoral College if the outcome would change the result of the popular vote in cases of large discrepancies.

If ever something was necessary and proper the domination of the minority over the majority in presidential elections to come must be curtailed if we are to remain a democracy. Tucker Carlson Tonight is the latest Fox News program facing the wrath of advertisers after spreading lies, hate, and fear — 17 advertisers have now pulled spots from TCT after the show's host defamed immigrants. As Trump's presidency goes up in flames, Carlson has been working to distract and rile his viewers by denouncing the migrant caravan, where refugees are seeking asylum at the U.

Instead of advocating compassion for these desperate individuals, Carlson slanders them. Corporations have wisened up to Carlson's dangerous dehumanizing of migrants. Fox News should take action and other advertisers should stand with marginalized communities by ending support of this derogatory programming.

Carlson has called transgender people "crazy," denied their gender identity, described gay people as "unhappy," requested Saturday Night Live "[make] fun of transgender bathrooms," claimed pro-LGBTQ school curricula is "weird" and indoctrinates children, said a gay man worshipped Hillary Clinton "like Judy Garland," called it "fascism" for a Christian baker to make a gay couple a cake, bragged about beating up a gay man, declared "transgender privilege" is real, dismissed the repeal of "don't ask, don't tell" as a "sideshow issue," and declared Moonlight only won the Best Picture Oscar because of "political correctness.

Ray Production posted a photo:. Cinema Portraits model: Marco ph. Riccardo Riande www. Sad lil' pup in need of a loving home! This original painting from the 's is painted on velvet, with some yellows, browns, and white colors! It comes complete with a carved wood frame that is hung vertically. There is currently no metal hardware on the back for hanging, but it can easily be added!

We also love how it looks leaning against the wall! This painting is in good vintage condition. The velvet is slightly dusty, however, there are no stains or holes! The paint is in great condition and has not rubbed away. The wood frame is also in good condition, but there are some areas of wear. Such as, scratch marks, small nicks to the wood, and paint residue on the back of the frame. The velvet canvas is held to the wood frame with visible nails but it really gives it that homemade feel! Please see photos. Please examine the photos and read the full description.

You can click on images to enlarge for detail. All packages will be sent via USPS. No returns for Retrospect Vintage on Etsy purchases. Please purchase seriously. Philadelphia, PA Facebook Twitter. While supplies last. Click here. Never miss another deal! Thanks for […]. Citeste articolul pe site-ul Zona IT. Non facciamoci illusioni: Facebook ci segue ovunque, anche quando non lo vogliamo. Lo afferma un'inchiesta di Gizmodo e lo dice anche Facebook. The post Facebook rolls out Watch Party feature to all pages and people appeared first on Music Ally.

The Frager Factor: OT but: Starts at 12pm and finishes at 5pm. One of the coolest experience was the opportunity to get so close to the wild animals! Tau Game Lodge provided accommodation, food as well as game drives wildlife safari drives all inclusive in their full service package.

The location itself was situation right in the middle of the open desert terrain of Madikwe Game Drive. There were watering holes I suspect man-made strategically placed very close to the lodge, encouraging wild animals to come close for a drink. Without even stepping out of the lodge, the residents have ample opportunities to view wild animals coming so close from the viewing decks at the dining area, or even at the comfort of their own balconies in the individual cottages we stayed in.

The lodge was protected by a barrier of electric fence, which was low and was not distracting at all for even the most demanding photographers. We saw buffaloes, baboons, warthogs, rhinoceros, deers, zebras and many more animals coming to drink water just outside of our lodge. During our "game drive" sessions, we got into a jeep that can take up to about 10 people at once and our designated ranger drove us out into the open for close up encounters with the wild animals. It was such a thrill being able to get so near some of the wild beasts! Strict rules and guidelines need to be adhered at all times, and we just obeyed whatever our ranger instructed us to do and we were perfectly safe.

Our ranger was skillful in navigating through rough terrains and going through thick bushes so we can get as close as we can to the animals, which was very helpful for us to get better shots. After all, the famous Robert Kapa once said "if your photograph is not good enough, you are not close enough". We have two game drive sessions each day, one at the break of dawn - 5am to 8am and another nearing sunset - 5pm to 8pm. At these times, the weather was pleasant, and more importantly, the low light of the sun rising or setting were just magical. The golden hour was what added the glow to the images of the animals!

Ernie, our game drive ranger was so helpful and he was attentive to our requests. Being photographers Olympus Visionaries we were quite a demanding bunch but he tried his best to accommodate us. Our priority was to get nice shots and we sometimes needed to re-position the vehicle for better vantage point or to avoid certain distractions in our framing. He obliged with no complains and each and every one of us got our shots satisfactorily.

It was a blessing having someone so understanding and patient with a group of possibly crazy photographers, that may not be easy to work with. The bed has insect netting for extra protection from mosquito attacks. The cottage that we stayed in was cozy and super clean.

The bathroom, leading to the outdoor shower area. Outdoor shower area, with open ceiling. The front entrance to the cottage I was staying in. The balcony was facing the open bush of Madikwe Game Reserve. Animals can be easily spotted! That was me working on my images while enjoying such a breathtaking view. This shot of Pumba, I mean Warthog, was spotted from my balcony. Ernie, our passionate ranger, who showed so much love for his work. Look how close we got to the cats! Our vehicle that can fit up to 10 people at once. Safety briefing. Michael Chan, an Olympus Visionary from Singapore enjoying his morning cup of coffee, overlooking the vast openness of Madikwe Game Reserve.

The food served at the lodge was great, with good variety and skillfully cooked. Service from the Tau Game Lodge staff was top notch, they fulfilled our requests efficiently and effectively. Everyone was so friendly and accommodating and that added positively to the whole experience of this trip. Coming back from a long and exhausting game drive session photography is labor intensive, you know , we were greeted with warm smiles and hot towels, as well as drinks to warm our bodies before dinner.

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I think we were overfed over the course of 4 days there, we had quick refreshment before morning game drive, full breakfast spread after the game drive, lunch buffet, afternoon tea, a quick break with refreshment and drinks during the game drive and finally a full dinner buffet session that include special "game meat" an animal they caught and cooked from the location nearby. I was so thankful that I brought along my tripod, because the night sky view from the lodge was simply incredible. Having the Olympus M.

Zuiko mm F2. It was so easy, I only had to go out to my balcony for these shots! And you know what, it was my first time being able to capture a full circle trail of the stars! These kind of images were always a challenge in Malaysia, or specifically where I am currently based in Kuala Lumpur, a city metropolitan area with heavy air and light pollution. The sky in Madikwe Game Reserve was so clear it would be a sin not to shoot it.

Sunrise view from the dining hall. Dinner under the stars. Our final night ended with a fantastic outdoor dinner directly under the night sky! The sky was so clear! Look at how bright the stars were. My first ever full circle star trail shot, and it was from the convenience of my room balcony! Perhaps, one tiny request for further improvement, which by no means is a negative remark, is to have WiFi installed and fully accessible in every single individual cottage.

Currently, WiFi was only available at the main lobby, dining, pool and conference areas. It would make a world of difference for social media influencers and bloggers who actively need to engage with their audience to create live stories and update their feed instantaneously with interesting posts from their fresh experience at Tau Game Lodge! I have enjoyed my stay at Tau Game Lodge tremendously, and I was happy with their warm hospitality, helpful and passionate rangers who brought us out for game drives as well as overall available facilities and high quality room conditions.

As a photographer, I was satisfied and perhaps if I wanted more drama and impact in my shots, I may need to stay a little longer and be a bit more patient in getting the money shots. Please follow me on Instagram and like my Facebook Page. Projeto social desenvolvido pela marcenaria tem transformado ambientes e multiplicado sorrisos.

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Follow Us on Facebook: Summary WiseGuyReports. Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and. Ben Shapiro: In fact, anti-Semitism is often accepted by prominent black intellectuals on the left. They landed on the backs of some Arabs in the s. They behave like white people rather than Jewish people.

Al Sharpton, whose anti-Semitic record includes helping to incite a riot against Jews in Crown Heights in and an arson in , has a show on MSNBC, and Democratic presidential candidates come to pay him homage. It is a simple fact that anti-Semitism in the United States does not break down evenly by race. That disproportion has been the norm since the ADL began the survey in Similar disproportionate anti-Semitism exists in the Hispanic community as well. But none of that draws any media coverage. Alice Walker should be just as toxic for her anti-Semitism as David Duke is for his.

After all, they push the same message when it comes to Jews. Failing to acknowledge as much lends credence to the anti-Semitic idea that Jews have somehow earned their hatred from certain groups. In the rare moments Walker's kooky beliefs have received media coverage, they are inevitably downplayed. Take the Associated Press article on the latest fiasco, obtusely headlined "Author Alice Walker criticized for support of writer's book.

My parents always said that the white people around us were like snakes, because of the way they treated us. But it mirrors the recent muted reaction to an exhaustively-researched Tablet piece about the Women's March. The magazine confirmed that the feminist organization has been teeming with anti-Semitism from the outset, with national leaders berating their Jewish peers, repeating conspiracy theories about Jews, and outsourcing security to the militant wing of the Nation of Islam. However, a Lexis Nexis search finds the Tablet piece got minimal coverage in the national media outside of Jewish and conservative outlets.

The Washington Post mentioned the controversy in an aside in a piece about the Women's March rolling out a new platform. Aaaaand, that's it. Three mentions. Time and time again, the media fails at due diligence and ignores the warning signs of anti-semitism in those they agree with. Often they end up with egg on their face, as when CNN ignored complaints about contributor Marc Lamont Hill taking smiling photos with Louis Farrakhan, only to have to fire him a month later for a second anti-Semitism controversy. The New York Times learned the same lesson yesterday. Ignore hate all you like, but don't act surprised when you end up publishing it.

By Yaakov Cohen, Gush Etzion resident. Efrata, December 19 - Don't tell my wife, but the recent foofaraw over de-listing Jewish-owned short-term rental properties in Judea and Samaria provides just the excuse I need to delay clearing out that spare bedroom we've been using as storage space and making it livable again. I'm going to dress it up in just the right terms when we talk, though. One does have to maintain appearances for diplomacy's sake.

Those bastards. Renting out the room on AirBnB was my idea in the first place, so this helps me save face, at least temporarily. I suppose I owe Human Rights Watch a little thank you for their efforts in saving me some hard work. While I'm at it, you don't think any of them would like an old wooden cradle? I think it's an antique. My brother-in-law slept in it as a baby fifty years ago, so it's gotta be worth something.

Couldn't bear to just chuck it. Well, in the back of the spare bedroom it stays. No need to disturb anything there now. Certainly not the boxes of audio cassettes I haven't gotten around to converting to digital. Any month now on that score. I think there might even be a Lez Miz original Broadway cast album in there. Outwardly I have to act as if I'm really annoyed, that it's unconscionable for AirBnB to cave like that to propaganda and harassment by so-called human rights organizations. All that's true, but I'm finding it hard to get totally into the indignation when the situation suits me just fine.

I mean, Lord knows what the hell I was going to do with those random cables and connectors I could swear we'll have a desperate need for within days of getting rid of them. Still, there could be a reversal. Even if there isn't, my wife might hear about any of the dozen alternatives to AirBnB such as Booking. Then I could really be in trouble. Here's hoping they don't cave. While Beirut did not know about the tunnels while they were being dug, its military now knows but still fails to act, he maintained. This is not merely an act of aggression. Israel to present evidence proving Lebanese army assists Hezbollah Some two weeks after Israel launched Operation Northern Shield to eliminate Hezbollah's cross-border attack tunnels from Lebanon, Israel has said it will present the U.

Security Council with damning evidence proving that the Lebanese army has been helping Hezbollah in its excavation efforts in violation of the U. The council was set to meet on Wednesday, days after the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon concluded that the tunnels snaking under the Israel-Lebanon border and jutting into Israeli territory were a violation of United Nations Security Council Resolution The resolution, which ended the Second Lebanon War between Israel and Hezbollah, prohibits the presence of any Lebanese armed group south of the Litani River, apart from the central government's military, known as the Lebanese Armed Forces.

On Tuesday, Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon said that "now that UNIFIL has confirmed that the Hezbollah tunnels are a severe breach of Resolution , the Security Council is duty-bound to use every means at its disposal against Hezbollah, which continues its buildup under the auspices of the Lebanese government.

Suspicious rock formation, strange fire helped locate 4th Hezbollah tunnel The Israeli military on Wednesday said it had become aware of a recently uncovered cross-border tunnel from Lebanon thanks to a number of suspicious incidents in the area in recent years. The IDF noted that several factors had led it to suspect that a tunnel was being dug from a forested area near Ramyeh: The army said the tunnel, which it uncovered over the weekend, crossed a few meters into Israeli territory but was not yet operational.

The village is opposite the Israeli town of Zarit, where residents in the past complained of hearing digging sounds, prompting an IDF investigation in There were no details on when Hezbollah began building the tunnel. The army said IDF chief Gadi Eisenkot toured the area with other top military commanders Wednesday to survey the digging operation. RIP Kristine. May G-d avenge your blood. Your Turn: Why do girls drop out of sports more than boys? Log on to Facebook to be part of the discussion.

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Are you a licensed recruiter? The Guardian , 13 December ABC News , 15 December Facebook said a bug had exposed private photos of up to 6. The bug allowed some 1, applications to access private photos for 12 days ending September 25, Facebook said. Facebook said the bug was now fixed.

The problem is the latest in a string of security and privacy issues that have caused complaints from users and led to investigations by regulators and politicians. The company said it would send an alert through Facebook to notify users whose photos may have been exposed by the latest issue. The alert will direct them to a link where they will be able to see if they have used any apps that the bug allowed to access private photos.

Facebook shares fell 1. Thank you very much and God bless. Michael Ray Suydam Jr. Every time I get into bed, I think there's somebody under it. You gotta help me, I'm going crazy. O'Hara, the psychiatrist, 'Come and see me three times a week, and I'll cure your fears. Six months later the doctor met Ranjit in the street. A bartender cured me for ten dollars,' smiled Ranjit. Thomas Williams. Our Country's Military did a good job in Syria so bring our brave young men and women home for Christmas.

Patrick J. Buchanan - Official Website. Kim Jong Un, angered by the newest U. Build the Southern Wall or I will start looking for another political leader who will build it. President Trump must build the Southern Wall or else because the political policies of what he was talking about are in the Southern Wall that is the linchpin between him and me voting for him. Democrats had a good week. Republican lawmakers folded once again on border wall funding. And the Federal Reserve continued to ensure the record Tru Jeffrey Anthony. So the Commander-in-Chief is acting like the Commander-in-Chief, and nobody remembers an American President doing that.

Too bad. We smashed ISIS. When you win a war, you go home. If ISIS somehow revives, we can always go back -- or take out any nascent revival with air power. This idea of keeping U. Ask Clausewitz. Or Washington. President Trump gets that. Republicans slam Trump over plan to withdraw troops from Syria.

Click to submit your answers. More Genius Puzzles: Join Us Facebook. Click For Answer. Back to top. Fb Community. Tasty Tacos announced Thursday on its Facebook page that their hot sauce is now available to buy online and in store at Hy-Vee locations. Last week, the local […]. Alexa Rank. Cuenta me gusta. Mark Zuckerberg heeft een zwaar jaar gehad. The Guardian leek het leuk om nog wat zout in de wonden te wrijven.

De Britse krant maakte voor de CEO van Facebook een parodie op de jaaroverzicht-video die elk jaar ongevraagd op je tijdlijn verschijnt. Howie discusses Facebook sharing private user information with Netflix and Spotify, fallout of Michael Flynn's hearing, short-term spending bill passed to keep government open through February and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez taking on the media. Follow Howie on Twitter: HowardKurtz For more MediaBuzz click here. Aftab Khan and his family have lived in the Gillette area for over a hundred years, and a few years back the family opened a mosque there.

Bret Colvin started a Facebook page called Stop Islam In Gillette and, after the mosque opened, he knocked on the door during services while a large number of people rallied behind him, some of them armed. The event was covered extensively in the local and the international news. Quickly, the online rhetoric between them grew ugly.

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A detailed report is scheduled for the next edition of this Magazine. An Indian journalist has been jailed for a year after he criticised Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Facebook, in the latest example of what critics claim is a clampdown on free speech. The tours, they say, are biased against Israel. Stadtverwaltung Ingelheim am Rhein. Fortunate circumstances brought him to Qantm in At the beginning of December, unusual recordings were made in the large recording room A.

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Olympus booked the whole place and we had the entire lodge for ourselves for the full duration of our stay. I had such a positive experience at Tau Game Lodge that I thought perhaps I should dedicate one full blog entry about my stay there. The bathroom, leading to the outdoor shower area Outdoor shower area, with open ceiling The front entrance to the cottage I was staying in The balcony was facing the open bush of Madikwe Game Reserve.

This shot of Pumba, I mean Warthog, was spotted from my balcony I love the small yet cozy cottage that we were staying in. Each photographer has their own individual cottage. The furnishing was very good too. The bed was comfortable and large, perhaps too large for the room I don't mind a smaller one honestly. There was an insect netting for protection against mosquito attacks. The room was pretty much insect free and I did not feel there was any need for the netting, but hey, any extra layer of protection is always a welcome.

The room was super cozy and clean. There was also a walk in closet with wardrobes and to store everything else I wanted to hide inside. The bathroom was interesting - there was a bathtub, which I should have used now that I regretted not doing a long bath there , but there was also this outdoor shower. It was awkward because in the middle of the night, returning from an all day adventure, I did want to take a quick shower before calling it a night.

However I had to walk out into the cold air for a shower. But when I looked up I saw open sky with stars, so I guess that was the point of having an outdoor shower! What a majestic view. The cottage was placed just at the edge of the electric fence, and we had full view of the open area where the wild animals roam. In fact, even by just staying in the cottage, I could see many wild animals already! That was an experience I will sure miss. In fact, I took some night sky shots from this same balcony, and I did not even have to go far!

Spotted, Olympus Visionaries and staff members from various countries - Hong Kong, Korea, Thailand, Singapore and Australia Michael Chan, an Olympus Visionary from Singapore enjoying his morning cup of coffee, overlooking the vast openness of Madikwe Game Reserve The food served at the lodge was great, with good variety and skillfully cooked.

Look at how bright the stars were My first ever full circle star trail shot, and it was from the convenience of my room balcony! We've all been stuck in traffic before but one Baltimore driver is getting attention online after a video of him dancing in the middle of the street was posted to Facebook. Czeka go operacja Robert Janowski ma problemy ze zdrowiem. Asperina Technosoft is leading web development and digital marketing company in India, offering custom software development, web portals, and web application.

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Facebook and DoubleVerify have extended their collaboration to give Stories advertisers viewability and fraud measurement. Facebook's woes mounted Wednesday as it faced a lawsuit alleging privacy violations related to data leaked to a consultancy working on Donald Trump's campaign, and as a new report suggested it shared more data with partners than it has acknowledged. Global Digital Advertising Platforms Market Here are pictures from her Facebook page that romanticize violence: She also recently featured this picture of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar: I didn't know that teachers who teach their kids violence were praiseworthy.

On her nomination page, it says, "In Rana started work as a teacher in the East Gaza area of Palestine, an area near the dividing line with the occupied territorie s. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel. From Ian: Everyone is Misreporting the Texas BDS Lawsuit Speech pathologist Bahia Amawi, who works as a contractor for the Pflugerville Independent School District in Texas, has filed a lawsuit claiming that an anti-boycott-of-Israel pledge she was asked to sign violates her First Amendment right to freedom of speech.

This was reported first by Glenn Greenwald at the Intercept, who set the tone for the media coverage by claiming, in his typical exaggerated and dishonest fashion, that the lawsuit arose after Amawi "refused to sign an oath vowing that she 'does not' and 'will not' engage in a boycott of Israel or 'otherwise tak[e] any action that is intended to inflict economic harm' on that foreign nation.

Amawi was required to sign a "pro-Israel oath. Amawi was asked to sign, is wrong. Texas has a law banning state entities from contracting with businesses, including sole proprietorships, that boycott Israel. As a result, just like local governments require contractors to certify that they adhere to many other state laws, such as anti-discrimination laws and financial propriety laws, they also must certify, in compliance with state law, that their business does not boycott Israel.

Amawi is not being asked to pledge that she, in her personal capacity, will not privately boycott Israel, much less that, e. A speech pathologist at a Texas elementary school has sued after allegedly being forced out of her contract job at an elementary school for refusing to sign a mandatory pro-Israel pledge.

This status entitles them to all the financial perks enjoyed by diplomats in Israel—at the expense of the Israeli taxpayer. How people deny the Holocaust without denying it Famed author Howard Jacobson explains the trick. We want to wound Jews in their anguished history and to punish them with their own grief. It is as though Jewish actions of today prove that Jews had it coming to them yesterday. Berating Jews with their own history, disinheriting them of pity is the latest specie of Holocaust denial, more subtle than the David Irving version with its clunking body counts and quibbles over gas-chamber capability and chimney size.

By design or out of ignorance their fickle gripes cheapen the Holocaust. They call Trump and his supporters Nazis, why? Oftentimes Israelis get the Nazi brand. Foolish or clever, people that deny the Holocaust without denying it have been effective. The progressive mainstream media has bought into the lie. How could it do, for heaven sake! Because — and this is beyond sly — Jews are not the direct object of hatred. They stand for treating people badly. This back door invites you and I to enter. If they hated Israel viscerally they would not be enlightened, and few would bond with them.

But when they attack the Jewish state in a round-about way, via sympathy for Palestinian victims, sympathy is aroused and draws people to the cause. When hatred is clothed to look enlightened, disgust for Israel has a glow. People who deny the Holocaust without denying it have thought the whole thing out. What seemed all light nonsense before seems all dark purpose now. Federal government must provide an explanation. German tax money should not flow into terror propaganda. Amnesty International criticised for not including antisemitism in landmark abuse report Amnesty International has been criticised for not including antisemitic abuse of Jewish women in the largest ever study of abuse of female politicians and journalists on Twitter.

Their work also encompasses white nationalism. BDS advocates often spew some of the most venomous hate speech visible on the Internet, hate speech that Canary Mission captures and re-publishes in personal profiles. For example, the Chicago activist with Students for Justice in Palestine who tweeted this joke: He saw the gas bill.

I want terrorism and another intifada. After the massacre at Pittsburgh, calls went out to monitor, spotlight, and report hate speech, especially since hateful acts of violence are often preceded by such incitement. That is precisely what Canary Mission does. It tracks social media and videos, capturing BDS, anti-Zionist, and anti-Semitic expressions, triangulating them into individual profiles that expose and create permanent highly-visible records of the words and images BDS and SJP leaders actually use.

The profiles are almost always incontestable since CM links to actual videos, tweets, and other open documentation. Canary Mission began in with just 50 profiles. By December , about 2, profiles have been listed. CM has received about requests for removal. Very few have been made. On the handful of occasions that we found an error, we made an immediate correction. How totalitarian regimes will take over social media and destroy the West Totalitarian regimes are increasingly turning to the Internet as a way to control their own publics and as a tool to use to undermine democracies and threaten dissidents abroad.

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It is becoming increasingly difficult to critique some of these regimes, as major social media companies such as Facebook and Google cater to requests by regimes to remove content, ban users, or make it difficult to find content. It used to be, in the 20th century, that totalitarian regimes were at a disadvantage to democracies because their publics were able to import dissident material from democracies.

The dictatorships had a difficult time controlling or threatening dissidents in democracies, because their reach was curtailed by the method of disseminating information. Because democracies tend to have more media, by the very nature of having internal competition, dictatorships in the 20th century were often under siege, trying to keep information from entering their country.

Porous borders and radio waves and other methods enabled people to learn what was happening outside of various police states, such as the Soviet empire. In the 21st century the situation has reversed itself. Dictatorships were initially threatened by the explosion of connectivity to the Internet. Suddenly, publics had access to all sorts of information. New websites popped up in various languages. Social media enabled people in places like Iran to communicate with the outside world. Masa bans travel to West Bank, parts of Jerusalem Masa Israel Journey has banned participants in its programs from visiting the settlements or anywhere in Judea and Samaria, and from east Jerusalem due to the current wave of terrorist attacks emanating from the region.

The organization also told institutions in which Masa participants are placed that they cannot organize any trips to these areas. Masa has brought some , Diaspora Jews ages 18 to 30 to Israel on various programs in order to strengthen Jewish identity and affinity with Israel. Out of all 50 American states, you would think that administrators in California, at least, would be on board with anti-Israel activism.

And yet, all ten chancellors of the University of California system recently put out a statement condemning the boycott of Israel, according to Campus Reform. Well, the ten chancellors of the University of California system co-authored a letter last week and, unlike what you might expect from such a blue state, they are all heavily opposed to the BDS movement.

That way they can back up their arguments with actual fact instead of the latest, media-orchestrated smear campaign. The financial giant is also setting up a division to engage the start-up nations tech companies that are developing technologies using blockchain and artificial intelligence. Specifically, the New York Times criticizes H. Three of the founders and heavyweight leaders of BDS disagree.

For example: Newsweek needs to find a moral compass. Soros, a major supporter of progressive causes, has become a major bogeyman of the far right. He has come under fire for his funding for left-wing and human rights groups in Israel, and unfounded allegations that he collaborated with Nazis as a Jewish teen in Hungary during the Holocaust.

It says that the impact of that decade long blockade has been compounded by budget cuts from the Palestinian Authority and a reduction in international aid. Four out of five people now rely on food aid. David then went on to introduce another not so ordinary interviewee: Critical to this is to remove the constraints on trade and movement of goods and people.

An additional theme which is not new to BBC reporting and was again promoted in this broadcast is that of US cuts in donations to UNRWA — but, as ever, without any explanation of the issues at the root of the long-standing debate surrounding the UN agency that are vital to proper understanding of that story. In a third ten minute-long segment from 1: The two themes of blaming the economic and humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip on counter-terrorism measures employed by Israel with a cursory mention of Egypt and providing unquestioning and context-free promotion of UNRWA were repeated in that segment too.