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I especially like that you can call in and ask questions and someone knowledgeable will answer. This is an outfit run by people who love what they sell. But customer service has been a nightmare to deal with my last order. Reps were unhelpful and one was even straight up rude. How did we do on our list of the best places? Any that you think we should have put up instead? FFLs are trying to stop people from buying online because of the loss of business. I say get with the paln or shutdown. Like Mike said, you could always get your own FFL. Sell a couple Glocks to people you know, and it pays for itself.

Friendly service and fast delivery. Some of their prices are better than the big online gun shops. Also have instant discounts once your order is put in your cart. Well over 50, items to choose from. I may earn a small part of the sale from links to any products or services on this site.