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Gallery in the B. Davis Schwartz Memorial Library. It includes work representing a wide spectrum of visual art categories, including drawing, painting, printmaking, mixed media, sculpture, photography and computer graphics. Frances Fernandez, director of fine arts. Allergy And Dirty Ducts NAPSI —Allergies are nothing to sneeze at but you can make your home more comfortable for people who have allergies and improve your indoor air quality—by cleaning in an often forgotten place. After all, in a typical six-room home, up to 40 pounds of dust— including dangerous chemicals and other pollutants—is created annually through everyday living.

Over time, this leads to built-up contaminants in the ductwork. Since your heating and cooling system is the lungs of your home, you want to keep it clear. Budding Scientists making a hypothesis, analyzing data and drawing conclusions, was highlighted on project boards. Students studied a variety of areas including volcanoes, electricity, air pressure, the human body and astronomy.

Miles Middle School seventh-graders, from left, Brandon Fernandez, Alexa Echevarria and Juana Alinas presented their discoveries at the annual science fair. Project boards detailing the scientific method lined the tables in the cafeteria at Edmund W. Parents and family members were invited to come see the discoveries their children made. Each seventh-grade student picked a topic of interest and completed an experiment at home.

Their inquiry, which included. It gives you complete access to your personal information,. Learn more at www. For some, the idea of a simple funeral is the least expensive option. For others, the simple funeral is a half day visitation with cremation or burial at the local cemetery. No matter what the scale of the funeral arrangements the same amount of planning is involved, the same amount of information needed is collected, and the same amount of time and effort is given to each family we serve.

Nothing is simple about making funeral arrangements. Our staff will help guide you in the process of making the funeral arrangements that your loved one would be happy with. Kardys will discuss helpful topics for the writing process. The library is located at 50 Deauville Boulevard in Copiague. Literary agent Jan. The Copiague Memorial Library will present the following events: Tax Information Seminar Wednesday, February 1st, from 6 to 7 p.

CPA Judy Francis will discuss individual, small business, retirement and estate taxes and will suggest possible tax saving opportunities. Try out robots, perform. It is important to recognize that funerals are for the living. The deceased can no longer receive support from his mourners. So, why is it important for friends to pay their respects at funeral services? By doing so, they are reaffirming their friendship with the family which has lost a loved one. People need people, and this need is even more important in a time of crisis, like the passing of a loved one.

Each person, simply by living, touches the lives of many other people, and relationships develop which have lasting effects. The funeral ceremony is a way to demonstrate the strength of those relationships - to show the support that a grieving family so desperately needs. By showing that they too are mourning the loss of a friend, the mourners bring comfort to the family.

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Mornings 9: Afternoons 1pm - 4pm Full Day 9: Near ACE Hardware. Not that reminiscing is anything new for me, per se, but I suppose the more you reconnect, the more vibrant the faded memories become. What were once old snapshots and slightly dogeared pages of a yearbook are brought to life once again, conjuring happy thoughts of days gone by. Retrospect Sure, life has gone on since then and taken us with it in various directions; but there is still something about those good old high school days that brings a smile to the face, mine anyway.

They say some of the best friendships are forged during those formative years and that, if you hold on to even a handful of them, you should consider yourself extremely lucky. I tend to agree. As much as we have all moved on — with some pursuing college degrees and careers, others settling down to start a family, and still others on a path all their own — there is a part of me that believes, deep down, we are all simply trying to reclaim that lost innocence of youth, of days when life seemed simpler.

So here we are. No shame in looking back now and then to realize how we arrived at precisely this point, and celebrating the many wonderful memories made along the way. Bring Self Addressed Labels!!! Awards like this demonstrate how LIHSA helps students to unlock their gifts and successfully realize their talents. Candidates were evaluated based on a portfolio of their work and a written essay about how the arts have enriched their lives.

Winners were chosen by a committee of arts educators and professionals, with the final selection being made by a separate steering committee. The last day to submit claims is Thursday, October 15th. The U. It is important to have your policy number and insurance company name ready when you call. The downloaded form can be filled out and emailed to FEMAsandyclaimsreview fema. Night Out Contest Broadhollow Rd. Some restrictions apply. On September 15th, a flash mob consisting of members from across Long Island performed a dancing welcome home for a Massapequa family who was homeless for almost three years due to super storm Sandy.

To show support. Ashley Magaddino, a talented, award-winning choreographer from A Sep Above Performing Arts, choreographed the amazing welcome home flash mob dance. The flash mob crew. The dancers donated many hours of their time working hard to learn the dance and practice the routine. According to Nicole, the flash mob was a heartfelt, emotional surprise for her entire family. After the dance was done, Ms. Baillie was so thankful that she broke down in tears.

All other dishes available in trays upon request. Bread or Garlic Knots included with trays. Deposit required on all orders. Tax additional. Specialty Pies Not Included. Not to be combined with any other special. Valid Every Day Except Friday. With Coupon. This advertisement is a coupon requiring customers to bring advertised item to get advertised price.

All items may not be available in both stores. Each store independently owned and operated. Not responsible for typographical errors. Under State law, any package store is entitled to buy any item of liquor or wine shown in this advertisement at the same price paid by the stores listed in this ad. The listed stores are independently owned and operated. They are not a chain and are not a cooperative buying group. Every bedroom needs a working smoke alarm. The national fire alarm code requires a smoke alarm in every bedroom, outside each sleeping area and on every level of the home.

Having a working smoke alarm in the home cuts in half the risk of dying in a fire. These facts underscore the extreme importance of having working smoke alarms in all bedrooms. But is the theme of loss of innocence ubiquitous in only literature or cinemas? Not at all.

Loss of innocence is a real live thing that people experience daily. And with technology at our fingertips, we are exposed to this recurring theme at increasingly younger ages. Television is vulgar and crude. Commercials are even shockingly inappropriate. Reality TV is showcasing and glamorizing the downfall of society. Children are being exposed to this before they even leave elementary school. The idea of sex and sexual innuendos are thrown around.

No one is scared of anything anymore. No one is innocent anymore. Everyone likes to say that they are, but no one truly is. Everyone has incorporated profane words into their daily vocabulary. To sum it up, loss of innocence is a common theme in English literature and Hollywood films. But now, with the help of constant, oneclick technology, we can all lose our innocence as young children. And we can all do it together. Entries Should Be Between Words. The loss of innocence is a common, reoccurring theme in high-school level English literature.

In Lord of the Flies by William Golding, for instance, loss of innocence is seen when Jack attempts to hunt and kill his first pig. In the wellknown novel written by Mary Shelley, Frankenstein, the creature loses his innocence the day he was created, due to Victor abandoning him in his basement. Some can even argue that she lost her innocence before that, when. Paying Yourself? Do You Feel Overwhelmed? Participants were treated to a fast speed-of-play tournament under sunny skies, before returning to the Beach Club for a delicious dinner.

At a time when so many families know first-hand the pain of having an adolescent with addiction, this event was established to respond to the escalating needs of the community. Under the Student Assistance Program SAP , these resources are available in schools throughout Long Island and continue to expand into new school districts each month. For young people displaying signs of alcohol and drug abuse, Teen Intervene offers a month-long combination of individual and parent-present counseling sessions focused on charting a different direction that includes abstinence and healthier coping.

LICADD also offers evidencebased prevention programs, community outreach initiatives, a mentoring program for children of incarcerated parents, and advocates for comprehensive and responsible public policy related to addiction. Bronze Sponsors: John Doolan and All Way Abstract. For over 59 years, LICADD has successfully delivered evidence-based programs designed to prevent and treat substance abuse and addiction. LICADD offers crisis intervention, screenings, referrals to treatment and several family education workshops to help Long Islanders struggling with the effects of addiction.

Please visit us on Facebook or on the web at www. Love You! Fire Prevention Week Continued From 9 between life and death in a fire by alerting people in enough time to escape safely, but first they need to be installed in all the required locations, including all bedrooms, and second, they need to be working! Linda Jackson - ext. Reproduction in whole or in part of any item appearing in this publication, including advertisements, is strictly forbidden without the written consent of the Publisher. All advertisements are effective for one week from the date of publication, unless otherwise noted.

In fact, 1 in 4 flood claims are filed in low-to-moderate flood risk areas. Call for flood insurance today. Send Coming Events To: All events will run in the calendar on a space available basis. For further information, contact: For information, contact Forget the Stereotypes: The show will start at 8 p. Kongo will be screened at the East Meadow Public Library, at 1 p. Past Life Exploration will be presented at Reidiant Light,. Catherine of Siena, 50 Route 25A in Smithtown, from 10 a.

An Open Mic will precede at 7: Gilding the Coasts: Rain Date: October 10th. Highway in Oakdale, from 1: Eve of the Feast of St. Francis will be held, beginning with a rally at 2 p. A service at the garden will follow at 3: The Races will start at 7 p. A Night at the Races will be held at St. A Fall Vendor Fair will be held at St. Drive in Centerport, at 8: A beginner lesson will be held from 7: Spirituality for Singles will meet at St.

Learn to Curl at Newbridge Arena in Bellmore, at 9: Also October 10th. For information, visit www. Runners will start at 9 a. Bring binoculars. All events will run in the Coming Events Calendar on a space available basis. For information, contact RobinsRacers gmail. For information, contact asoliwoda hotmail. Bring folding chairs or a blanket. A Lecture with Dr. A Blessing of the Animals will be held at St. Thomas of Canterbury, 29 Brooksite Drive in Smithtown, at 3 p. Jude, Lufberry Avenue in Wantagh, at 4 p.

Mather Memorial Hospital, in Conference Room 1, from 7: For information, contact Recovery Legal Consultation For information, contact Lane in North Babylon, at For information, Cartel Land will be screened contact For information, contact 1 to 3 p. For information, For information, contact. Bideawee will celebrate its th Anniversary at Beltagh Avenue in Wantagh, from 1 to 5 p. For information, contact the library at For performance dates and times, and ticket information, contact For Gallery hours, contact Pat Ralph: One Museum Drive in Roslyn Harbor.

For Exhibit hours, contact Going Back Vendors are wanted for the St. Smithtown, from 10 a. October 24th. For information, contact Avenue in Babylon, at For Gallery p. East Islip, from 10 a. Vendors are wanted for a Craft Market on November 28th at St. For information, contact craftmarket verizon. Deadline is October 25th. Send us information at least 2 weeks prior to event. Proudly Delivering Strong Results Since ! Hall, Albany Avenue in Amityville, from 6: Friday will be a meetand-greet, and Saturday will include a cocktail hour, buffet, open bar and DJ, both at the Clarion Hotel and Conference Center, Veterans Highway in Ronkonkoma.

Sponsored by the Farmingdale United Methodist Church. Now in its 22nd year, this two-day festival featured hours of live poetry and Americana, bluegrass, blues, reggae, jam funk rock and jazz music performances. A portion of the sales proceeds benefitted the camp. Linda Ringhouse, owner of The Grey Horse Tavern in Bayport, an original Bradstock organizer who rejoined the staff this year, spearheaded this portion of the festival.

All ticketholders were. The statue has become an emblem for Camp Pa-Qua-Tuck and our campers, rising out the ashes to become a great inspiration to us all. Continued From 11 each separate sleeping area and on every level of the home, including the basement. This way, when. Fire Prevention Week respond properly. No need to get out of your car Call today to reserve curbside pickup Hempstead Turnpike Bethpage, NY www.

No substitutions. Not to be combined with any other special offer or discount. Present this ad or use coupon code FallSB. Our orthopaedists treat them all. Joint Commission Gold Seal recognition for safety and quality of care. Our doctors, nurses, physician assistants, physical therapists and pain management team treat more than 7, patients per year1 and can help you return to an active lifestyle.

We service all makes and models. Repair Lab on premises. Open 6 Days A Week. Audiological Testing Facility. Doors open at 6 p. Senator Kemp Hannon is an ardent supporter of the Adelphi Breast Cancer Program, directing essential funding that allows for support services to all New Yorkers. As a long-time member and current chair of the Senate Health Committee, he has championed significant legislation in all areas of health care, in particular,.

Known for his intellect and ability to grapple with complex issues, Hannon has complemented his health care expertise with constituent advocacy and compassionate public service to all. Lyn Dobrin has served as the public relations consultant for the Adelphi Breast Cancer Program since the start in She is a humanitarian who has brought about social, educational, political and healthcare change through public relations and journalism.

When Long Island women started speaking out about breast cancer, Dobrin provided the avenue for their voices to be heard as a driving force in the breast cancer activist movement. She has helped facilitate change and improvement in the provision of breast cancer services and awareness. There is no charge for. Bradstock Rocks Continued From 14 young adults ages with both physical and developmental special needs. Its mission is to help these children to achieve equality, dignity, and maximum independence through a safe and quality program of camping, recreation, and education.

Throughout the program, campers participate in many activities, such as arts and crafts, talent shows, cookouts, swimming and boating. For more information about Camp Pa-Qua-Tuck, please call This tragic incident has left her family and friends in a great deal of pain. Long Islanders as a whole have expressed their grief, shock and sympathy. The goal. In the 18 years of her life, Brittney touched the hearts of so many people with her love, smile and generosity.

With your help, she can continue to do so. The family is asking businesses for their support in this fundraising endeavor. The following are ways to donate to this cause: Will be directly deposited in to the Memorial Fund. The Brittney Walsh Memorial Fund is recognized as a c3 nonfor-profit, and all proceeds raised will be deposited directly into the fund. It is requested that any and all donations be received by October 1st, Please mail all donations to: Brittney Walsh Memorial Fund W.

Lido Promenade Lindenhurst, NY If you would like to contribute merchandise or gift certificates, please contact For further information, please visit the Brittney Walsh Memorial Fund website at: Ice hockey schedules will be distributed at registration. Youngsters from the ages three to thirteen can take advantage of The Youth Ice Hockey Program to hone their skating and hockey skills under the guidance of ice hockey coaches.

Anyone interested in registering for the Youth Hockey Program must bring a copy of their birth certificate, proof of Town of Oyster Bay residency. All registrants must bring these items, even if they have participated in the past. A parent or legal guardian must be present at registration. Registration fees are as follows: Tot Hockey: