How can extrovert deals with interpersonal conflict

Adding a little bit of a risk-factor is definitely a plus. Extroverts like to talk. The problem with the extrovert-introvert dichotomy is that it treats each group like two different species. In reality, extroversion and introversion exist on a spectrum, and most of us fall somewhere in the middle.

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As with any type of interaction, awareness is key. Your extroverted co-workers can add energy, creative ideas, and candidness to the workplace.

How to Successfully Deal with Conflict as an Introvert

By giving them the space to shine and respecting their needs, and can help your business reach its full potential. By doing this, we are acknowledging our perception of events and not dictating what is right, what is wrong, who is at fault, and who is guiltless. Is that correct? In response we could say: Sometimes we wind up in heated, sticky situations where emotions run loose, and hurtful things are said sometimes even without provocation.

How Introverts Handle Conflict | How To Adult

Being able to distinguish a person from their words and actions is a very important facet of assertive communication and allows us to communicate in a firm, but fair way. If someone has become verbally abusive towards us for instance, instead of giving away our personal power by reacting with anger, we could instead choose to stop, observe our feelings, and say: Assertive communication is not a win-lose method of interacting — it is a win-win approach.

Often when we are in uncomfortable situations, the needs or desires of one or more parties are not being met. The goal is to find a meeting point in the middle without compromising yourself and what your requirements are. Sound complex?

The below examples will better illustrate this point. Your co-worker wants you to cover their shift on the weekend. However, you wanted to relax with a good book and listen to some soothing music.

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You express to them your desire to stay home and chill out, but they become agitated and irritable. At this point you could choose to give in or to fight back.

Alternatively, you could choose to negotiate. You might choose to say: Would you like me to ask around to see if anyone else is available?

This Is How Introverts Handle Confrontation In A Way That Extroverts Might Not Understand

Would you be able to do a little favor for me as well? I need these pages photocopied and taken to the supervisor. Therefore, whenever we come into a challenging situation, it is important to remember our rights , and when they are and are not being met or respected. Examples of our fundamental rights include:. Knowing our rights also helps us to know where, when and how to be assertive.

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Learn about the Perceptive Functions. Please stay us up to date like this. We could all be more humble. One is more oriented to the outer environment. Support Our Work We spend hundreds of hours every month writing, editing and managing this website. When I was in high school, I did a pretty good job of pretending to be an extrovert. Understanding how introverts handle conflict is helpful because an introvert is more likely than an extrovert to withdraw or avoid conflict, according to a study done by E.

A common mistake that is made when practicing assertiveness is using this skill in irrelevant situations — situations that portray us as bossy, demanding and even nosy! For example, it is not always necessary that we make our opinions, thoughts or feelings known to every person we come across each day.

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Sometimes simply listening, or showing compassionate understanding, is necessary. As with anything in life, being assertive requires balance and common sense. Dealing with conflict as a quiet person can be confronting, confusing and tiring. With the right knowledge, skills and practice, you can preserve your quiet strength in almost any situation.

Aletheia Luna is an influential psychospiritual writer whose work has changed the lives of thousands of people worldwide. Why do they just sit there listening while ideas are in play all around them? Sure, they offer thoughts later in the meetings, but are they slow learners? Some of the best discussions in our seminars come when I ask introverts and extroverts to talk honestly about these misperceptions of each other.

What It's Like Being an Extrovert - Ultra Spiritual Life episode 134

We clear the air by talking about the joys and challenges of both personality types. The problem: May 10, Jill Geisler. Psychologists explain it this way: Extroverts get energized by connecting with the world around them.

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They prefer to develop an idea by talking it through, adding to it as they do. Introverts get energy from the inner life of the mind. Social skills: