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Thanks for dropping by Zizzling Zazzle - Christine aka stine1 designing print-on-demand gifts! Take a look around and grab the RSS feed to stay updated.

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June was the beginning of an awesome Zazzle summer. I am pretty excited about my sudden breakthrough success. Zazzle has always been my most successful POD website but this summer definitely tops everything. I had a total of 36 sales and none of them was cancelled!

So, here we go — all sales from June Although I am sad that it has already been 18 months ago. I have sold three of these beautiful mousepads to the same customer. I must have hit a nerve since I had already sold them in April or May.

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What would Jesus brew? Coffee Mug by stineshop Print your pictures on mugs. Kansas at night postcard by stineshop Add your photo to postcard designs from Zazzle. Giant Mountains — Vintage Hiking Postcard by stineshop Create unique personalized photo postcards at zazzle.

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As you can see, I am selling a lot of postcards. Umso mehr hat mich der heutige Newsletter von Zazzle. White lined Paper Stationery by stineshop Make your own stationery on zazzle. We aim to please!

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Jellyfish Coffee Mug by stineshop Create photo mugs at zazzle. During the 23rd calendar week of June 3rd to 9th I had 5 succesful sales.

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Two additional sales got cancelled and during that week a payment was issued:. Here are the items I was able to sell through Zazzle during this week:. This wall clock is one of my many products where I had thought that no one would ever want them.

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During the 12th week of I have managed to sell quite a few gifts on Zazzle. These are the items I have sold:. I have sold this mug as a coffee mug with a pink interior and as a mug for commuters to keep your coffee hot.

I have also sold a matching key chain:. Jellyfish Keychain by stineshop Create unique personalized picture key chains. Pot Stickers Jiaozi Card by stineshop Create custom photo note cards at zazzle. Weis-blue Bavarian flag Business Card by stineshop Browse through more business cards templates on zazzle.

I was not at home during the 4th week but I sold some items during my absence. Getlucky getoastet getoastetem getoasteten getoasteter getobt getoente getoentem getoenten getoentes getoetet getoetete getoeteten getoeteter getoetetes getollt getollte getollter getolltes getoor getorkelt getorkeltem getorkelten getorkelter getost getoste getosten getostes getraellert getraellerte getraellerten getraellerter getraellertes getraenkte getraenktem getraenkten getraenktes.

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The underlying theme is mentorship. I want the responsibility associated with the spotlight and Im prepared for. Bringing value to the table whichever way you can I had followers 3 months ago, now we have the game watching already and growing fast. Due to the abnormal access request from the IP address you used, we need your help to verify that you are human. If we continue to press we will have the audience to launch the podcast and reality show which will turn many members into stars.

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We are all capable of anything with the right mindset, and through mentor ship from myself and many others involved, we are creating the optimal environment for kids and beyond to develop themselves. Load older Tweets, back to top, turn images off.

The PP is a community of driven people looking to secure their financial stability while doing what they love to, create art. Do not hesitate to contact us if you feel that you have reached the page in mistake. Your cooperation and understanding will be appreciated.