Jiffy lube engine flush coupons

Beware of Engine Flush Scams

The undercover employee asks him, "How come they're not on the computer? Our undercover employee asks the technician, "does Honda recommend that it be done with a machine like that? That's the only way you can do it. But Honda's memo to mechanics clearly says "do not use transmission flushing machines" because of the risks to the car. All told four out of five Jiffy Lube's, and five out of five EZ Lube's pushed services car-makers don't recommend, but technicians told us the opposite.

Why did you say that? As for those technicians at Jiffy Lube who didn't tell us the truth, they wouldn't talk to us on camera and neither would their bosses.

Undercover investigation examines services at some big name repair shops

Executives at Jiffy Lube and EZ Lube declined our offer to watch our undercover tape, and do interviews. But in separate statements, both companies said it was unacceptable for their employees to misrepresent certain services as manufacturer recommendations, when they're not. EZ Lube says some of the employees we caught doing this will be terminated. Jiffy Lube says they're taking steps to minimize the chance of it occurring again and they want to hear from any unhappy customers. EZ Lube can be reached by phone at or email info ezlube. Click here to read documents and statements from Honda, Nissan, General Motors and Ford regarding these services.

Whether or not they messed something up while doing it, who knows? Money wasted, lesson learned. What is an engine flush?

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Very few cars actually need this treatment. I hope your engine is okay and that you have learned your lesson. Find a good independent mechanic and let your mind be at ease.

It was just a waste of money. My vote is with everyone else. As long as the engine oil is changed regularly it will be fine. I disagree. About her self esteem, that is.

Now, the tachometer no longer fluctuates at idle. I have seen MMO flush correct fluctuating tach on several cars over 30 years. It is most likely because lower piston rings tend to stick on old cars, even if the crankcase oil is changed regularly. The main risk with a flush is particles dislodge and clog oil passages, especial the oil pump pick-up screen. It is not necessary to change it so frequently if used before the car reaches 50k miles. Thank you for your interest in this question.

Because it has attracted low-quality or spam answers that had to be removed, posting an answer now requires 10 reputation on this site the association bonus does not count. Would you like to answer one of these unanswered questions instead? Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered. When is an engine flush a good idea?

Could This Damage Your Car?

Ask Question. My mechanic performed an engine flush on my old car and so far, it seems to be ok. Is it safe? Is it necessary? What are the pros and cons of doing it?

Service a Fleet of Vehicles

Zach Mierzejewski 1, 1 12 Welcome to mechanics. We're glad you're here!

I've cleared up your question a bit to make it less opinion based, and thus more on topic. Feel free to clear up my edits if I didn't communicate your intent correctly. Why do you think that you may need to flush your engine in the first place?

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They are always a good idea if you are running a service operation, because they make you more profit. And if you are unscrupulous and running a service operation, most customers won't even know whether or not you did the flush, so long as you put it on the invoice After a leak e.

We're more than just an oil change.

My wife had the day off and took the car to Jiffy Lube for an oil change, and was sold the Engine Flush. It is a Subaru Forester with about. Looking for Jiffy Lube coupons? Click here for all the latest deals, and find the perfect Jiffy Lube.

You want to clean that out thoroughly. Otherwise, probably never. Oct 29 '16 at 2: Great explanation. I have also heard of undissolved sludge in very bad cases getting lodged in oil passages and pickups causing more damage by lack of flow. Run the engine warm at high idle for 15 minutes. Use 1 quart of Berryman's B12 Chemtool in the crankcase for five minutes before each oil change.