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O Ctiiazzc sa id tliis w ould h a v e E. T lilrd S t. D o m o g e w as'eslim alaUted a tJlO O. U P l iWomaii U. One ot the While name for quality in major-appil; Conuildated Industries. Conventional and M ounis. The perfect washday n;lric Installations. W Itbout tb e Ju d g fi't A rtier. L ondon c om m uiiily iol C am den in pricc s. Since d erg ro ujnndt is con stan t a n d v a rie s. John Fennoi But o fficia ls sa id Ihe Ki. A f-e so lu llo n du: V ashlnglon b y F e b. No ha ig loo. Dclihle pplai ia no, a ll.

ID cbR le A ndcr. U n 'e tlU:: Uor B onnie BIsbop. A bout five y ears ago. B anquet se t 3. This ts for D. Concerning thei bb p y j h o. Wacli ade P ete rso n , ,iil sevenlii — T h o se w ho rcc clv c d a ll Kradi a d ers.

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A 20 second penalty is incurred when you sain ad the track, while a hefty two minute penalty is 'earned' lor a lalse start. Snow mobiling is lislcd good If the management aspect was backed up with a playable action sequence It would have been much better. Rooms of special significance have a monitor in them, from which details of the room can be obtained. H am m o n s ' ' noiinced by C had Browiilnf? The graphics are really quite neat, pity Cavemanfa's gamepby doesn't live up to them!

A bout 40 w lnncT S -w ill' b e. Invention of Q ilc ag o a n s D avid. Both th e conc'elvcd a n d m an u f. S--F ood— d - t. T h e y sell forr JSS. January 30,' Timoaloa-N ow s. P o w d e r h a d given in Ski prov rovlslon In Its code. S ie rra c la im s th c W yom le sta p ro p e rtie s on whlcl hlch it holds m orlgagcs. T h ai C u ster County. W yom ing inc trap h aj ter for sim ila r funds o t like don dom estic inInch w a te r pipe. S Sir m ith sa id he d id not c o nsidcr: O klahomo cy A. Hee questioned q th e deputy comu ti2. Idaho, pro p erty. OOO, But J o r d a n questioned.

D ouglass inlrodu ccd otlier n e w oilfic ff e rs for l'J7c; T h ey Inra S m ith a b o u t p e rm ioncnl sla k e s placcd In the elu ded Jo y M cRritle. Ilkeci testim ony-to s ta y fon o n l h c r w r d. M oIk t k snid. O n th ls s c re d b y ttie Idatio D epartpotlclcs II develops wilt tw adm in islerc. U nited In d u stries, on 90 telephone a sw itc h Is tu rn e d ai m e n t of K m ploym ent. T h e h ouse Is lo local cated iii the. U icJirc-b y -U ie. In o u r opinion. I cau se s. T ip p e tt olso i id 0 sccond child in the ;c.

T rain ing w as a lso ste p p ed up tiy and Sunday-f6r a U--S. R o ss M ilne of A u stralia. Pocatello and Idaho m s ta Sccfejd w here tb e ir c om petitions t k e p la c c. S jin n e d N obooz; A rnold P aolm lm er, a se n llm e h ta l favorite. O eoiM dait Boo niKh Hous on Sports Association Inc. S Statistically, n o th in g ' h a s changci igcd 'f o r th e.. E agles, D avis K. W illiam s l4 2. Wmth' T ip ii. I think th e Rozelle. Byt what dono about yol? Our most popular rmmiid-nnge touring twin. A cc, four-stroke' oke OHC powerhouse. Black muffler and beal leatthleld.

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LIYboP are w eededout, then. They t ty further th a t sud such Injuries usually are of tha headwhacking, knlfa-cuttlng and nd skln-tearlng variety rather ttian the bone break and Joint sprali praln sort. Boyd— A oeAL, w rm L'.: C ouriesySlD C lalrfcC o. All , th e e a rly going.

C ity D ank. J lig lil- b u lls. H NUi iold U 17 H7 Jl'l JJ'. M s r r f Silillly ii' -rC L UDt K iriN l. Fd i n Pi,iimi TiiM ticll tc lfere G O O ciatllcw eresald,. M arg o id Apply in person allot p. Enpetioncod sale's leles siofl. May nave 1 small child. T hey m ilita n t Kroup? TruiltuuKlil h W lo h a n d le u Run. Gut will 76 30 M ob. Mon and women who ha. S3 50 lor sales positions.

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Apply in pec83 Trucks. JU"rmr i 6 6. For , SoQins Sunday evening February 1. Boy'ft Oluo down lillod Ki. Fellows'Hall Friday nighl 7o. F delivery truck, llghi truck ddving: Contact H Chailes R. Blown or George C Brewer. Eicellonl flealy S Ins. A ise li' -. I '7 3 4 - 5 6 5 0: Fenced yoid with Tlmea-News. Either superglua or ordinary nails will do. Drop the box in the hole, Don't worry about the shock they'll get when the hit the bottom.

FiJJ in the hole. Do not, under any circumstances, mark the spot. Hopefully, when the time comes to dig them up you r ll haue forgotten about the little.. Views deleted from family magazine. Andrew 5 Collier, Bolton Is turttemania over yet? If it is, its worrying because it leaves it open for something far, far worse: Wasn't Bart's single completely awful? M Dear Lloyd For the past three-and-a-half years my selfish brother has made rude and cheeky remarks at my Spectrum; telling me that the Spectrum is being phased out and why not get a console, Should I get a console, or keep my reliable trustworthy Spectrum?

I need someone's advice and now, because my mum and dad agree with my brother and are working as a team to persuade me to put away my Spectrum and look for a better investment. What should I do? Please help mef Daniel Batchelor, Yately. Surrey I reckon if everyone else in your family Is keen to get a console while you're happy with your Speccy they should be the ones paying out for it. And if there is, what's the price?

If you want any of the other models the only way to get them now is as second-hand machines. Have a look at the classified advertisements in your local paper. Could you please give me a list of games which are Lightgun compatible. Ben Bus soy, Aynswoll, Hull As far as we know the six games that come with the gun are the only Lightgun compatible games available. Surely all these games cannot all coincide with the Gulf War? It's plain and simple that software houses are malting money out of the goings on in the Middle East. I think that this is pure scandal.

Our forces are fighting Jor their Lives in the Gulf while software houses bach home are piling up their bank accounts. When the public see the camera action of the planes and tanks on the news, they want a piece of the action so go and buy the next best thing — a computer game. Something must be done about this and done now, Kevin MiJiington, Clockface, Merseyside 1 don't think any software companies would release games Just to exploit the media coverage of the Gulf war. F and Battle Command the two games that would appear to tie- in with the war have been in development for about two years and their release dates were really just fate.

On a subject such as this, its really up to Speccy owners whether they want to experience the action found in combat simulators; you cant expect two such superbly programmed games to be withdrawn sale because of what's going on around the world. Would you expect to go into a book shop and find aJl books, whether fiction or not, concerning war withdrawn from sale?

CRASH has quite a few readers in the armed forces, like Spike Forum, Issue 76 , and any that may have ended up in the war have our support. And yes, some software companies are still releasing games on disk. The planet Earth is an all right place to be most of the time , isn't it viewers? Okay, so its a bit messy in places but nothing a bit of environmentally-sound tidying up wouldn t cure And here comes Ilia very chap to keep the planet clean and green; Captain Planet!

Cap currently appears in a smash hit cartoon series in the States where, with the help of five right-on chums, he bravely rights to keep the Earth pollution-free and generally encourages everyone to dc Green things. In fact he's that Green he's even outstripped the Turtles 1 popularity cowabungal. There's a Captain Planet game on the way. Minds cape have signed the licence and Captain Planet should having lots of recycling larks later this year! Except we're not But joystick manufacturer Logic 3 the new company farmed by Spectra video are! The Sting-Ray is a wizzy hand- held 'stick designed so it can be used by both left and right-handed games players.

Gr arid 51a rn gave birth to a little raretaase budget-priced label all of it's very own, Awwwwwf The new label's called Unique and begins Fife with the rereJease of three games from GrandS lam's back catalogue. Messages of congratulations on the birth may be sent to GrandSlam though, we expect, they'd prefer it If you went out and bought the games. It's a game, erm, about football and the England team. I had that Arnold Wasshisname in the back of my cab the other day — Gordon Bennett 1 ' Was he a big 0hap? Right, and in Ihis film he h right, is this like undercover cop looking for this sprog and ends up becoming a nursery school teacher!

It's a laff, innit?!? The kids play havoc Gawd! Does us a favour, guv?! I had all the bleed in' cast in the back of my cab! Tom bleedin" Selleck, Steve Gottaburger and Ihe other one. Expansion of the company has meant that there is a Large miirber of both Budget find Full Price projects ready for immediate development. To ihoae people whose work cornea up to our exacting standa-ds, we guarantee to offer you the best payment terms, conditions, ind hnck'Uu of any software house.

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If we have not heard from you in the past two months, please acndabneNettcranda demo on any computer formet to: Gwns a tafablfl 1 20C tape backup. SuppllwJ on OtK nl OrgciiHsa atl your thx lite. Lmgs drjiabcse; FAST fife smith. E-- NEW version 3.

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I wdli lull pririruul. M Ci2Casaeilss xlO ' Sol dazzling scores on the latest hct Spqccy games? So get playing, and send your high score — wilh a photo of yourself, if possible — to: Anthony clocked up All Hth way from Rio Do Janeiro. Who's the lucky soul who will now be able to drown out all conversations at a range of several miles? Yes, next month oil will be reveded gs CRASH gets into a pervy bondage affair with a brand new British computer - games magazine!

It ii, of course, another blooming Pawedape jam-pocked with scorching hot game thrills amd demos [like HeroQuest, which never mode it onto this month's lope]! S0 ft, JO 8. Manchester M28 GPH is the winner of that one. Eight ninners-up will soon be sporting an Accolade T-shirt: And trie winners are: Sander Van Den Berg. Holland and Brian Eyre. Ten runners- up are soon to be the proud owners of a T-shirt and a copy of the game: That's your lot for thte month, the glittering skip returns next month with another set of compo results lets hope your names there.

Here are the results of your accumulated choices for the year lhat was Licensing a cam-op casts ibousands of poundB but the rewards for successfully recrealirig a aom-op on me Speccy can be enormous Ocean games dominated the nominations for this category, but Virgin's Iron Man and Gvkten Age scooped lots of votes Bui ywihouta shadow of a daub!

Gihosfand Frefly Woman, were let loo soppy to mm into games — no alien death Scenes, y'see. But IhenS was one film although hot topping the rato'ngs el the enemas but mattng one hell of a gams, that came oul tops. This is often iho category when the thinking man's games come through and this year i?

A Tew appear now and aga in and when they're good you go a bundle on Ihem. The winnef of this category was, streets ahead of its competitors, and deservedly so. Following on behind comes. The programming team at Probe Software, who developed trie game. And that's- about It. Sod of , Oadadumdedum. Ditties bringing up the rear were P. Making the biggest imped on Ihe Speccy scene iwas. Hornerton, London; David Wurphaey. Gunthorpe, Peterborough, fvtichellil le Southern.

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Shropshinre; and Michael Wigrnam, Morpelh. The features aire unmatched,.. Accepts any 9 pin Joystick. Once stored, the Bound can be replayed at different pitches with many varying effects. May line, Create some very interesting effects. Cursor and Interface II. Gol you again, aren'l your just splirling? Pathetic, ten yes — Edf? When it comes id to April 1st. DAB' and you'll be blessed with infinite energy. I Also known as Chase HQ 2 to his friends! Here's an idiots guide to playing his rn. When starting a JevbI. This time its for that highly gory game NAftC. I bet you all just love heads and arms flying everywhere when you blast a baddy, don't you?

Each time you start a new screen you'll be standing up so kneel down xiraighl away. Ol r Turbo never sits down for five minutes. This month he's been busy compiling this little lot for your hungry Spectrum: Trudging down the newsagents isn't o fun pocked activity, is it? You never know what might happen. If might rain or something. So, love that endless hassle by joining the postal revolution thaf s sweeping the natron, ie, taking out a 1 2-month subscription to Britain's, brightest, breeziest Speccy mag: Ei your piggy bank! Fill m the order form and stroll off to the pott box! H a game hasn't been released by the time your order form arrives, well hold on to it until the game's out!

Winners are chosen at random from all correct entries received. Closing date for entries is 20th April All calls last approximately 3 minutes and If you are under 18 we ask you to please obtain you parents consent before dialling. Calls are charged at 33p per minute cheap rate, 44p per minute at all other times. Select your party of adventurers from the sixteen different character types. Take up your spellbooki and swords and travel with us to the world of Khame.

Seek your fortune in the wtlde mess, explore the depth 5 of th e earth, seek employment In the towns and dlies, research new spells and magic, seek favour with the gods through prayer and great deeds, do battle against the creatures of darkness and other players. These aJejust a few of the options available to you. It has been program m ed on a truly epic scale with 1 player positions In each game, dozens of monsters and spells to discover, 40, wilderness Locations and hundreds of dungeons.

The game Is fully supported by our team of professional games masters and programmers. What a couple of t wimps Nick and Richard are! Whan faced with the zillion pieces of plastic and cardboard contained m the HeroQtiust board game, they cowered in the eomer. Where's-a the back cardboardy bit to the table?

The game Is a 3D isometric swashbuckling saga where you and three mates control Messrs Barbarian, Dwarf, Wizard and Elf through 14 hair- raising adventures. Because ten lucky winners will receive a copy alt of their own! In the shops, all this would cost you twenty notes-. Just pick up the phone and dial and listen to the three simple questions.

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Then scribble your answers on the back of a postcard or a sealed envelope and send them to: And of course, the first ten correct entries out of the wizard's cauldron will win a t'rific prize! The memory upgrade is only for serious programmers and those who want Taster disk copying at the moment. To finish the job off in style, a real-time clock has been incorporated so you can find out the time and date at the touch of a button. Yet another disk magazine has landed on my desk this month, Written and starring Graham Burtenshaw, it goes by the name of Encefadus wha.

There's also a wary interesting utility that examines the contents of a disk and displays it in graphical form on the screen. Using this you can discover screen files you didn't even know were there! This is a collection of PD screens that have appeared on various disks all collected together In one place Mo more searching through endless menus to find that elusive Bugs Bunny picture, it's here instantly' II you have any pictures that you would like included on a future sdition of SAM Screen, or would like to gel a copy for yourself, write lo: It has got to last at least one minute but that's your only restriction — the rest is up to you.

Zenith Graphics have been i hard al work on their SAM creating a a new set of demo disks called Visuuaffv There are six disks altogetheer, each packed to bursting point with i excellent screens and some v very interesting demos. You can only get them th through Ztnhti. That's all Hie gossip fetor Hit I month.

The Ing crashes you a get with FtmaM are driving tg me nutty! The Games 10 Pack - 10 exciting arcade, adventure and strategy games for all players, all ages, great value! AH have highly detailed graphics and complex puzzles. A, Hemic, 55, Stanley St. This is your chance to catch up with the latest and hottest computer around - the SAM Coupe.

AtanahveJIy phone out hoiline ordering service between 2 gnd 4 pm for Fait affective service credit card payment wiryJ. Tou ore on o patrol Its night. Old Detroit li worm Ins with low Ufa. The cute cartoon style graphics of the Lucaslilm characters are excellent and the factory machinery is detailed and as well-coloured as can be expected. The complexity of the Night Shift laclory may have yuii slightly flummoxed on your first lew goes: But it's all part ol the fun.

It's Incredibly rewarding when you get things right, and getting them wrong can be a great laugh, en. Al first it's fairly easy, as only a couple ol different character dolis need to be completed The lirsi task is lo power up toe huge machine, achieved by jumping on a bicycle and peddling like mad! You I hen have to run and jump up the Beast to fli the inevitable laults that crop up. To help you there's a tool box situated in the middle ol the status panel ; collectable items appear every so often and when picked up are shown in this display.

Things like matches, spanners, balloons and umbrellas help you to keep your job. At ihe end of the night level , the timer a candle burns rigid down and the results ul your efforts are totted up. II you ve completed the required amount ol toys you receive a hefty bonus, but rejects are deducted Irrjm your pay As you goon, more characters have to he made. Lemmings and Larry the: ArggrjhM l think I m going to sit in a corner and cry! Even the first lew levels are difficult to keep up with, bul they're simple compared to later ones, when you neeO several zillion pairs of eyes lo keep track of whals going on.

Graphically, Night Shifts very good, although there's ; bit ol colour clash — bul Ihat's not a problem because you're too busy running around like a mad thing to Lake much notice. U3K ttttte "I G These Gremlin s Lotus than include a choke d! Toyota Cefica GT Ratty is a good aticmnt. Conlrallirg the car was dirlicult at ; llrat. You have lo Ircal the game as it you were rtnvmij a nsaj car, slowing righl down on corners and steering with Presentation is excellent, wilh disused pictures of the car and Toyola logos used In the trite seuuoocw Toyota Ci 01 folly provides a believable spin around some nasty stretches nf road.

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